That Fireteam Player who:

That FT member that walks side ways into your line of fire while everyone is shooting at the Predator.

That FT member that starts stabbing you for no reason at the beginning of the match.

That FT member that runs for the reinforcements the second their available when there’s only 1 man down.

That FT member who pulls off that wicked sniper shot half way across the map on the Predator and downs him where no one can reach him in time to disarm the bomb.


Good times…no Great times!
and remember

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I don’t think this is true. I believe muddying up actually removes the red mark, even if you’re already marked.

If the predator has observant, well… good luck.

I would very much like to know the answer to this.

I wasn’t sure I remembered it correctly so I checked YT videos quickly before posting to be sure. And unless an update removed the ability it does indeed work on mudded up individuals. I think one of the videos I saw was bloodthirstylord who had a video where he was watching a group of FT who where trying to res a downed player and one was muddded up and he still retained the mark above his head.

Just in case I will check in a couple of hours with my friend when I check about the foot prints to be sure it is still true and then post what happened here.

EDIT: I’m still going to check but here’s one of the videos I found showing it. At 7:39 the thermal mode sufficiently scans the mudded up FT member for them to gain the mark. I’ll still verify though that it still works with my friend to make sure it wasn’t patched.

So this is a common misunderstanding.

This is unnecessary. The Predator spawns in before you, and can use ISO scan before you have a chance to mud up. So all it does is make you disappear after they already has a bearing.

You’re better off mudding up closer to the 30-60 second mark. This also increases the chance you will still be mudded when you get engaged. The Predator “finding” you is not really an issue early game. You want to make sure you’re mudded during the engagement.


A fair point. This Post was made when we really didn’t know how absolutely everything worked in game. It was pretty much acceptable to Mud Up at the beginning at that point. Now, I just do it out of habit.

oh haha, didn’t realise how old it was. :)

I do too. I remember being told that Ice Cold was a waste of space and I want to justify me running an “Cold Mud” Recon with Ice Cold and P.I.S

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No problem. Glad to see the post see some revival actually. Kinda thinking of making the Predator side of this too.

The 2 FT members I just played against who hid beyond/under the map and tried to cheat snipe to win, thinking I’d fall for it, but I got the other 2 FT’s, so I won the match. Ain’t nobody got time for cheaters. And to boot, I heard their chat asking how I won, even though they were outside the map and I was actually playing. Sigh…

Actaully. If the pred doesn’t use it emmediettly then they lose out on (which is easier than it seems). Plus it disguises where your headed. They know where you spawn but its a 50/50 about where your going. I had one match where a teamate didn’t mud up and he got jumped by the pred in a minute.

Plus the mud prevents them from easily spotting you after that 50/50 scan.

I checked with my friend in a Private Match and it still works. Once you’ve scanned the target enough with Thermal Vision the target does get a red marker above their head. The mark remains even after the FT has mudded up.

With Ice Cold the FT still had trackable footprints but once they mudded the footprints appeared but way less. The FT would move several steps but leave no prints then they’d leave prints for the next couple of steps and then again they’d stop leaving prints until the mud up started to fade then they’d leave trackable foot prints again.


If you move out of range, then back to the FT, does marker appear again on his head? Please tell me that thing does not stay on his head the entire match.

Lol, Yeah it does. If they move out of range the mark disappears but once back in range it immediately reappears. And it can be seen even if they’e standing in the middle of a Thermal Decoy with Smoke Grenades. That much I knew from my own experience hunting FT but I wasn’t positive about the Mudded up part.

I see you’ve met @Kalypsio then🤣

Well that’s stupid. Mud should remove it(at least when you reapply), thermal should remove it, moving out of range should remove it.

I disagree, mud up immediately, yes the Predator can get your position, but not direction of travel. I sometimes run a scout and if I spawn between two objective locations, I mud up, run away from the objective and throw a noise maker at the other close compound. Sometimes Pred takes the bait and the FT has all the time they need to push the objective without worrying about the Pred for a little while longer.


I wouldn’t be surprised if something is glitching out here. I’ll run some tests as well because, unless the predator has the observant perk, there should be 45 seconds of zero footprints while mudded up and I remember reading in the game that muddying up should remove the red mark.

Thank you for tagging me, and the testing.

If they do add my suggested Class Skill for the C.I.A. Operative then at least there will be a counter. Guess they could add that class skill as a perk for others to take, to remove the red mark.

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