That Fireteam Player who:

Please keep this shit on topic!
POINTS at you

Hey, there was some useful info sharedā€¦ itā€™s not a very serious topic anyway.

On topic - Players who put their micā€™s to close to their speakers, feedback hurts.

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Just experienced this one:
That FT member who starts the match headed for the either the exfil location or looks for the re-inforcement radio. :| you know who you are you lazy s.o.b.!

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The fireteam member that goes solo kill The pred
And somehow he kill himā€¦ :P

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That fire team member whoā€™s down but stands in the open not trying to move to cover


That fire team member who uses the gatling gun


That FT player who checks the pig spawn and will shoot you while you are eating.

Fuck those jerks.

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That Fireteam player who always follows you without mudding up.

That Fireteam player who has been useless the whole round but always comes in at the end and starts shooting at the Predatorā€™s corpse instead of killing AIā€™s.


That Fireteam player who gets downed and doesnā€™t try to crawl behind cover and instead lays still spamming the button that calls for help.


That Fireteam player whom you shot the gas tank to explode for fun damaging him a little.
That Fireteam player whom gets back by blowing up a barrel only to knock you both out.


I blow up red barrels and tanks near people who use voice activated communication and either has background noise or kids who canā€™t shut up. Usually PS players. :D

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TBF karma :P

That FT player who wins the cinematic handshake while doing absolutely DICK the whole match.


that Ft player who shoots his weapon on the way to the first target, that Ft player who just got off the chopper runs off in the opposite direction ā€¦

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That Fireteam Player who loads into the game with no equipment or perks. I mean, seriously?



That Fireteam Player who shoots the pigs. Thatā€™s your Pred tripwire system!


You have no idea how many times I did not have to use TI scan to find FTā€¦ just hear the pig being slaughtered, look on the map and I know where to go XDDDDDDDD

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Spamming voice linesā€¦ ā€œI need some fuckinā€™ ammo!ā€ @Forever_Mello, Iā€™m sorry for my sometimes juvenile behavior.

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Get in line, soldier.

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