That Fireteam Player who:

That FT member that has Field Medic Specialization who is always the one who needs reviving.

That FT member that has Amphibian Specialization who keeps mudding up for no reason.

That FT member who muds up at the worst possible time especially before reaching the radio to call for re-inforcements and especially when the predator is right next to him --killing him right after.

That FT member who uses Liberator Specialization but never disables alarms.

For real. You find yourself a neat spot, you’re mudded up and nicely concealed. Along comes Mr.Pristine’n’Clean glowing bright orange to the Predator and decides to blow your spot. Fuck those guys, if you’re not covered in shit stay the fuck away from me.

The Fire Team member that runs off away from the other FT as soon as they spawn in to go die within the first couple mins only to spam that alert notification on the reinforcements. I don’t reinforce when they do that. I tea bag that shit and go back to doing what I was doing😂😂

OMFG yes! I fucking hate that shit. Then they wonder why they died at the end like hello ya fucking idiot you threw smoke🤦😂😂😂

One more thing lol let’s talk about the ‘Predators’ that spam their chat emotes especially “Want some candy” over and over and then just get smoked. Like you’re not cool dude😂😂

Being stuck with a fireteam who STILL HAVEN’T READ THE PATCH NOTES!!!