Ep 5

By far best episode

That’s the fucked up part. It took all of 5 minutes and already he’s better than Boba, everyone’s better than him in his own show.

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Opening the episode with Mando cutting people in half, dragging the darksaber around like this is Berserk, & speeding away from spacecops in his elon musk hot rod somehow makes Boba look lamer.

They even took boba’s ship name away from him, he can’t have anything but apparently respect and a scooter gang on a shithole planet.
Feels like a virgin vs chad meme.

More Mando plz. This show might as well be an excuse to give mando bonus episodes.

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Ikr, prior to mando showing up I thought that Fennec would become the crime lord because she actually gets shit done in every single episode whereas Boba is just dumb, incompetent, or just flat out weak.

I get the whole leading with respect but everything he does is the complete opposite of that goal. He had greater respect when he was the galaxies greatest bounty hunter. All he does is play dumb while constantly taking off his helmet at the worst times. You got mando being reprimanded for taking it off once yet Boba is out here thinking he doesn’t have a target on his back on the most backstabbing shithole of a planet.

They really got to make up for it in the remaining episodes because this book sucks.

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Mando limping around at an airport with some guys head in a bag is infinitely better than watching Boba Fett running the entirety of Tatooine with 2 Gamorreans, a couple robots, the vespa mods, a wookie, Danny Trejo, a rancor, and his secretary. How did they mess up Boba so badly?

I refuse to believe Boba was considered the galaxy’s greatest anything at this point

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I honestly have no clue. The guy is a crime lord with no one to really lord over. Hell he’s not even secure in his own palace, a giant Wookiee somehow snuck in to assassinate him (failed at that big time because he only knows how to throw people). What happened to all those guards that were there before he took over? Did he kill them all when he killed what’s his face? If so why? It’s amazing he isn’t dead already.

Ok, ep 5 was quite good. Sad Boba wasn’t in it for even 1 second (recaps don’t count.). Mando is the Fett we deserve. They’re giving that mechanic too much dialogue. She’s amusing in small doses but I don’t need to hear her romantic details. Clearly she has poor taste.

Book of Boba Fett is a great series, I loved the way they are evolving his character, and the Tattooine plot

EP5 was the worst sadly, just a useless Mandalorian spin-off, that story could have been showed in half the time, and better explained in the next Mandalorian season, but seeing it in Book of Boba was just a big waste of time.

it’s good.

I think ep 5 was a 9/10 for me. I just find it unfortunate that they had to bring in mando to kinda save the series. But that’s just my opinion, I would still want to see boba kick some ass like he did in mando season 2.

what I love is that in the 5th episode they show mando brutally murdering those guys at the slaughterhouse and beheading the bounty target. Ep 4 also shows krrsantan ripping the arms of a trandoshan.

The Mando violence did surprise me, but they didn’t show the arm removal, just the aftermath. Bryce Dallas Howard directed that one and the 1st episode of Mando season one featuring Cara Dune. Two great episodes. I hope she does some more. That was the best episode of Boba so far.

yeah, makes me anxious for season three. But like I said before, I’m concerned that they are going to focus more on mando than on boba and turn boba into a wimp. We saw in ep 4 he is coming back to kick ass, but I hope ep 6 and 7 show him kicking ass without any help.



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I honestly have no clue where they are going for the next two episodes.

My predictions:


A. (which is least likely) mando isn’t going to help boba (and if he does it’ll be in boba season 2 or mando 3) and the next two episodes are boba still getting a team together or mando finding baby yoda. I think this because mando said he needs to pay a visit to his little friend first. So, ep 6 will probably show mando searching for baby yoda.

B. (what I want to see personally) Boba and mando start putting the teams together. Ep 6 i’m fine with this as long as there’s a bit more action, like what we got ep 5. Then ep 7, nothing but boba lighting fools on fire (without any help). It would also be cool to see bossk to be on the pikes side.

c. (what is probably going to happen) Mando is going out to find baby yoda with boba, there they find luke. If luke is cool, mando gives gift to baby yoda and is off to help boba in ep 7 (where i hope there will be an epic duel between pikes and boba) Then luke is going to tell han that boba survived, and we go into season 2 of boba vs han.

But these are just my predictions. Probably false, but whatever.

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Thing is in Mando, Boba kicked ass even though he was injured. Now he can’t do anything without help including making decisions, and knowing how shit is run. I just don’t see how he redeem himself after 4 episodes of him just being an idiot.

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Read how Boba got his rep back in the comics and it wasn’t being in a biker gang 🙄

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yeah, i know what your talking about.

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the only way for boba to redeem himself for me is to see:

-Nuke pike ships
-light pikes on fire
-shoot pikes and anyone who gives him any more lip in the face
-fight another big bounty hunter, like bossk.
-ride his rancor into battle (like a bantha)


based on what i’ve seen, I rate the show 5/10 unless we see most of these things happen.

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