The council has decided on a new champ.

@Mith the council Hope’s you enjoyed your time as champ.

But now it is time for a new champ.
The council has decided that @OldKingHamlet is the new champ.

For his service on the forums, the council has recognized him as champ.

May your time as champ be one of prosperity.



Thank you!! Lol

All hail the new champ!


You passed the test. You weren’t upset that the crown was stripped from you.
You’re the one true king.

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@ 2:32


No bruh, the council has decided already. There is a new champ now

It was a test of faith.
If you would give your crown back.

Your humbleness is unmatched

I think @Mith is objecting. Duel time

The council doesnt recognize you at all.
You have no authority.
You have not say in these matters.

@Mith do not worry, your transfer was a graceful one.

When I say council I wasn’t talking about you and your little thing.
Im talking about the higher ups.
The Authority

We have Harry Steenson Aka @Thezebbson
So be wary of what you say, next.


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@Mith we are photoshopping Jake the Snake in as we speak.
You’re in, champ.

“Aww that’s cute he think his little group matters. Even tho they cant think for themselves and just copy and piggyback of our ideas.”

You amuse the council.
Unfortunately, you hold no power.


Hey Robin? Stop watching TV.


I would never bootlick a moderator. Nice council you got there.

👅 🥾

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Funny. However it does make sense a lowly being like you cant comprehend the council’s decisions and actions.
Perhaps stay in your pay grade.
Dont want to strain your mind trying to understand their complexity.

Everyone always copies things here, the grapes, the apples, next will be the secretive “Organization”. I just take them with a grain of salt.


Lol #trend setter