The elephant in the room. How exploits have ruined this game


yep, iv raped some randoms so fast you know they will probably rage quit and never play again, but then iv also been raped so hard i wanted to do that too…

How do we get the middle matches that last 10-15mins, are good back and forth close GGs?

RANKING system with buffs/nerfs is the only way to get a balance i think.
(and no before anyone says it, NOT splitting the players into ranks, not dividing the players up…)

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I asked all of you to stop with the OP loadouts unless you know you need them. Only a few listened. You all know the game is really easy as it is so, why keep it that way? We didn’t have specializations 6 months ago. 9 months ago we didn’t have UAV scanners, spotting weapons, etc. All that shit was introduced to help potatoes. None of us need them. Is like putting training wheels when we are veterans.

I get it. It sucks when you lose and you think “man had I had this other loadout we would have won”, but think of it. You didn’t have none of that before and you still managed to be good. All this shit has only made us lazy and worse players, instead of better.

Hopefully this is just a bug for a possible upcoming ability where pred can remove and pickup their mask (assuming it isn’t destroyed).

lol. I would love to see a video from that exploit.

*Lets the Dutch 25 with “Meta loadout” reload his “OP” Plasma Rifle with malicious intent *

Give us the names so we know which predators we need to boycott! Cmon, maybe there are some predators I’ve never met before that managed to beat you.

You know he won’t publicly shame people on this forum here, he just want to make people aware that stuff exists and people shall stay cautious.
At least that is my view on this matter.

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What about randoms lol there not gonna listen to somebody that says “leave this guy hacker”

Watch these two closely 🤨 @Fire @REYNOSO_FUA11 . If you see @MassImpact124 ? You and your team should probably hunt him down 👍🏻


One of the hackers is uh um… @Durbs2001


Especially him ☝🏻


What’d I do this time?

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Idk @Arnie.schwarzewigger has done some fucked up shit in game.


Nothing as of late that I can think of , or even ever . I just like making people think that they have and stump them 😁 psychological warfare until we meet again 😌

Like spread vicious lies about the melon men in an attempt to discredit us


I’m a hacker now I think :)


Like taking candy from a baby

Diabolical plot

