The elephant in the room. How exploits have ruined this game

Lol nothing!
You’re an empty shell of a man!

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But can you prove it’s only a myth?
The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.


I mean i can prove it yes…

If i went to time travel and made these historical facts and made myself a “god” and replaced the jesus with my name… people would praise me in current age…

People will believe what ever existed before and has proof and evidence…

Besides opinion I dont think anybody can really know one way or the other , what we do know for certain is we all will die at one point. I think if believing in something can give people comfort of a scary resolve, and it doesn’t impede on other peoples beliefs or hurt anyone ? Let them have it . I’ve questioned things myself and experienced things I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Your perspective may change along the way and it may not , thats my two cents

Im lead to believe it was either written by a time traveler or a mutated person who knew what humans would suffer for and be easily manipulated by is death cause nobody is aware what happens… so the best way to do take control of human minds is to promise after life and stuff

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I’m getting in touch with illfonic, you are getting banned from the game , my friend

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Why is my last name here!


True , but the mind is a fragile thing , the damage of fear and stress can damage alot of things and in alot of ways . I could see how believing in such a thing would stop many people from breaking , yes it could be manipulated and I think it eventually was , but I think we would all agree (unless you are a sociopath or psycho) it might not be a bad thing to have a safeguard as such in place to keep order? Alot of people don’t do evil shit for the fear of hell , some just don’t care though


How come I didn’t see you at the party?

I just called Sony and agreed to do a free cameo(for $200k) in an upcoming movie , if they agreed to remotely brick your console . You little 💩

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what about this


I’ve rigged your console to explode and destitute your entire house.
Fak yu

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HAH get fucked lol.

In my opinion, that is very borderline, regarding animation skipping. I don’t know if thats legit or not.
Though it was done suspiciously fast.

I would say that needs to go but first they need to fix a lot of shit that fireteam can do without even trying to do stuff… and i think u know what i mean by that…

Like they fixed practically all of the shit for predator… except now that’s left is like some hard shit or this shit that u need to try to do as predator

I see what you guys did here in the OP. Genius? You forgot to tag courier! How the fuck do you guys pull it off? @Dexter @Mr_Mojo_Rising???

man you know what it is :D