The elephant in the room. How exploits have ruined this game

we already informed the devs

PM me tell wtf-or maybe you just told me.
Im in private matches doin what you do but i cant do it, so im looking like an ass here. Settings are at the lowest ive ever put them in and still nothing has changed. I tried using the cycle through weapon with mouse wheel, nothing. same stuff. c’mon.

You really wanna run around doing this dont you?
Or is it you’re really a illfonic dev trying to figure out how to fix it?

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I just reproduced this with and without fast hands. Perk doesn’t make a difference. Is it a bug? Is it an exploit? is it cheating?

I dunno man, I honestly dig the idea of Pred having combo attacks given how limited pred play is at the moment and how precise you have to be in order to execute such “exploit”

with fast hands

without fast hands


Yeah lmao i can do it without any perks too

its a thing with peer to peer connection server thing cause like its mainly how good is your connection to the server… more ping issues u have the more ur to be able to do this shit

I tried it in a private match so, basically I had 0 ping cause I am the host

With fast hands its faster. I tested in private and compared the recordings of with and without.

nah man. take a look at the videos I just posted

Fast hands…i got it.

Look guys.,thats why its a perk. WTF are you guys on about?

Throw this in the trash. This has existed since the beginning. Just that nobody decided to use it. and if they did , bravo. They discovered something much like a ton other shit in this game.

nope. see the videos I just posted. Fast hands does not make a difference. I can do it at the same speed with or without fast hands

There are specific things. Like plasma to combi. that is a noticable difference. You cant do that without it. Timing is crucial, and you can’t execute the combo flawlessly thats the main problem. Like this is some kind of zen thing, there is literally 0 to 25% chance you’ll execute it during combat successful.
So…like…you know. Not only in combat, but in a perfect match made PING situation where everyone is below 50 ms.

Thats why nobody uses it and its not vvery noticable.
If anything it needs a meter to gauge people’s visual senses in …otherwise its failure.

My conclusion: the most noticable advantage using Fast Hands is the Plastma Caster to Combistick combo. Not quite Bow to Combistick.

and the Slicing combo thing , i still haven’t figured that one out. Im kind of sccared someone did.


@Dexter’s Head:

What about this? Mr top tier predator, tell me how I do it without any macro? Also I dont see any insta bow and combi at the same time kinda thing right there.
Fireteam can switch weapons, hammerhead to 1911 and melt pred in 2 secs, predator can also switch weapons just like fireteam.


Sorry mate but nobody uses plasma to combi, why risk missing a combi when you can follow up fully charged plasma with normal plasma shots immediately? Even if you miss there is a good splash damage that will most certainly down any class with around 150hp.

I still check in from time to time. With popcorn. As I watch the flames crackle from a distance. I havent touched the game since I left. Its not worth arguing with all of you on the forums honestly.

The devs are the ones who need to be told what to do to make the game great. However like every fanbase none of us can agree on what is the definitive “this is what we should do” to send the devs way. Instead we bicker, and while I admit some of that bickering leads to wonderful ideas, rarely will anything but the easiest to impliment be taken into account.

I still dont blame @IllFonic. Im sure the publisher is really screwing all of us out of a great game and illfonics hands are tied. And I respect the hell out of them nonetheless for bringing us some form of predator content after the dry spell weve had these past few years. And for being the awesome people ive seen them to be in every interaction ive had with them.

Its just a shame that most games these days suffer this kinda bs. Cant have art when you are pointing a gun at the artists head and telling him what to do every step of the way. Its not the same.

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It has been proven by @Dexter and @Vargaresa that to do it systematically in the heat of battle (while running, jumping, being shot, etc) you either 1) use a macro ; 2) you’re some kind of unnatural being

Call it what you want, as Jelou said “bug” , “exploit”. IMO it ruins the game. Do you feel legitimated to use it because FT is overpowered? I think that’s power creep. Personally I don’t play that way and who knows me can confirm this. In fact, I’m not even that great as FT or Pred main.

The question remains about infinite mask and disc.

I just wish Illfonic would add global cooldown times on weapon/gear switching, this would solve the issue with skipping animations. For both the Predator and the Fireteam, FT can also skip animations when reloading etc.

Clearly prozi was just standing there and waiting with his combistick and bow ready:) You are accusing top preds of using macro, but over and over again people prove that you are wrong. Just accept the fact that there are better players, it is ok to lose 1/10 in pubs.
P.S If you are good enough, you can learn to switch between weapons during fights very easily.

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Nobody has proven anything man :D

Saying “I’m not using macros” is not a proof in my logic.

Must I tell you how many times it happened while the pred was running in circles o zig zag? Hundreds. Is this a proof or not? It has the same value as " I’m not using macros"

And all the silence about infinite mask and disc. When the exploit will be reproduced in a video (in fact that’s already possibile, ask @FromTheHood) somebody will say “it’s just a bug that everyone can use because FT is OP.” Actually, when yesterday it happened in a game, someone said "oh, it’s caused by my internet connection problems " LOL

And suddenly the insta weapon change goes from being a bug to being a “feature” that anyone can use … ROFLMAO

pure scrambling

p.s. I don’t give a damn about winning or losing. There are many exceptional preds out there that don’t use these “features” : Dentdesabre, Xenomorph, UK_Spawn, Riktig just to name a few… I’m happy to lose vs them. Oh, wait… maybe they are not “good enough”

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