The February update

Illfonic has never done anything nefarious or extremely unethical. They have just had HORRIBLE communication and bad priorities in development.

If we don’t get a content update this month, I will be a little disappointed, but not enough to never come back. I play for a few days every month. It’s always been that way for me. If they want me to play more, then they’ll have to do more than just “new content.” What I want is a large scale quality of life pass.

The balance is mostly fine. Just a few minor tweaks here and there are needed as far as that goes. The clunkiness and gameplay loop are what really need to be addressed.

(Also, the reason Illfonic puts so much emphasis on FT is because FT felt like a generic PS2 era shooter when the game came out and everyone got the game just to play pred. They have to make FT as close to equally as appealing to play as pred as they can get, for matchmaking times.)


Yeah probably. Still that small chance though but I’m not banking on it too much.

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^^This. All of it. Good summary of the situation and how I also feel.


Sums it up nicely @TheHourMan.


Why are you guys still have any hope? I must search for a normal game as pred more than 10 min, and a shitty gamemode clash (!) seraching for 5 min! Why people are still beleiving in this useless developers which killing their own game?

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So…here’s my theory. A little bit of hope + some dropped hints along the way that made me come to this conclusion.

Either the 4th (most hopeful) or the 11th (most likely) we’re getting Dante’s rocket launcher (obviously), 3 new predator masks, optimizations for all platforms and some shaders.

Following that on either the 16th or 24th we’re getting Isabella as PAID DLC. We’ll also get 3 new maps, gauntlet, a level cap raise and one of the 3 super Predators from Predators alongside Isabella.

Between the extra time Illfonic had between releases, the influx of new players from holiday sales and Fortnite crossover and a lot of the previous data mined materials, this seems plausible, If a little lofty as far as expectations.

Been wrong before though. Here’s hoping but as in all things hope for the best, expect the worst.


The day they add 3 maps at once will be the day Friday the 13th is out of lawsuit limbo. It just ain’t gonna happen chief lol.

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I think they have to…those maps will be exclusive to Gauntlet mode.

Feb 23

I don’t mind getting Isabelle only, if they don’t ruin her stats wise + some bug fixes.

I like to play as a sniper, so I hope they’ll do her right.

I’m betting it’ll be the first week, against @BadBlood

3 maps in one update thats stretching it considering that illfonic doesnt go above and beyond on these things.

The thing that caused me to take a break was the fact of in 2 months we’ve been given OWLF, NFL player that was an even more busted field medic, and now Isabelle. They’ve given FT EMP mines, Trackers, Rocket Launcher and few other little goodies. What has predator received? One perk and Viking a few months ago.

Even when Predator DLC gets dropped you still see FT get a good bit with it, but never vise versa. It’s also dumb to end up with not just 1, but 3 new FT’s dropped back to back to back.

Call me basic, but I want Predator content and want to see more of it. But, I don’t feel like playing when I am stuck with the same predators, same gear, same perks, no specializations, same weapons, no new ways to engage, etc. It’s boring and frankly really don’t care to play FT all that much, if I wanted to play as a human and hunt things plenty of other titles I could play that are way better and more enjoyable.

The que times are another. I don’t feel like sitting for 15 minutes waiting for a game to play 5 minutes then back to a 15 minute que. The lack of reward for doing so just makes it not worth it.

Till I actually see Predator content and I mean an actual content I probably won’t be touching this title much if at all.


You realize they’re adding FT content so people will want to play it, right. Pred ques are dependant on the bulk of the player base playing FT.
They’re slowly improving the experience, but it’s going to be a long process. It sucks but nothing we can do about it.

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It still doesn’t make me want to play FT. I got the game to play as Predator not FT. And the other thing is why is this Asymmetrical game struggling so much with que times and thinking adding more one sided content is gonna help? You don’t see near the que times or problems in other Asymmetrical games as you do in this one and frankly it’s not something I will be like it’s okay. Better ways to go about it than alienating half your player base. No balance means half your player base leaves and now back to higher que times.


You aint basic thats been in our minds since summer :).

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Guess basic since it’s pretty much what everyone else is thinking. Seriously though, way better game choices if I wanna play as a human and hunt monsters or bully someone playing as one.

It could be that reason why they keep adding Ft content into the game, but its also a kick to the nuts for pred mains with the ridiculous weapons/gear they got especially the specializations which is the biggest add insult to injury.

I don’t even really care about the specializations as long as I get a new movie predator, new perks, new gear, new melee and range weapons and map. If they truly want to fix que times seriously add in gauntlet and let it be a 3v12 Predator teams. Fix all your que times. People have been continually asking for 3 preds vs 12 FT’s.

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Dantes rocket launcher for free and Isabelle.

Illfonic is at the mercy of all the corporate hands in the pot that are steering their game.

Unfortunately we are following a schedule that the playerbase and devs both have to follow (devs can’t go above their heads since the placeholders on this game are calling the shots)

They could give us what we want, but surely there is more of a plan that we aren’t aware of as to why things are going the way they are.

Game is gonna blow up at some point, just not when we want it to.