The game is so broken, might as well let it die and start working on PHG2.

This is AT BEST, a graphics remaster.
I love seeing flying pigs and all sorts of glitches in better lighting and higher fps, not gonna lie!

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I bet that’s always a good experience

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AND because Illfonic devs realized it is important to retrieve reusable projectiles (said in AVP Galaxy Interview) they added feature to highlight them for easier pickup. Unfortunately that would made Predators too powerful, so they nerfed the feature by removing their position from HUD and minimap. Good luck finding a spear, crossbolt arrows or disc if you shoot it and don’t pick it up right after.

Edit: Just to clarify: Unfortunately that would made Predators too powerful… is my sarcasm, not Illfonic statement.


Thats retardedd



When I win against a strong player, I get an erection from happiness, and when I lose, I get an erection from frustration.

I don’t expect much from illfonic. I just want the reckless bug to be fixed.


this tickled my funny bone

This game Is how Darksouls or Elden ring same enjoyment, depends on approach🤣💪

Don’t think PHG 2 is a good idea, within game files it seems illfonic has really bad corner cutting habits with copy and pasting, even with asset reuse in mind for workflow the duplication is half assed and creates workflow concerns


Seems to be the energy nerfs were done purposely to balance the cloak armor buff… But obviously the cloak armor buff was not implemented or isn’t properly executing in the game.

There’s discrepancies in the game files. Packed files have values than when extracted have another. Testing those values in game yield mixed results, with some test showing the packed file value as correct in some , while unpacked values in others

Shit is messed up right now

A what? Value in memory (running game) differs from value in PAK files? If that is the case, Illfonic either hardcoded values into source code or they use some constant to modify the value.

Uh, cooked content aka packed/game data is different from RAM 😅

Kind of basic knowledge, just saying, not insulting so, yes hard coded values, .uexp referenced by .uasset

Jelou is more or less trying to point out this

Going over arrow ft armor last night for instance

This latest change from UE 4.23 to 4.27 made some consistency problems, when check stats they are in multiple archives as if they were partitioned, personally I am worried about not being able to see all data already, specifically parsing

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Calm down numb nuts , it’s an illfonic half baked mess , not the art of chess 🚬🤨

According to screenshots you posted it isn’t different from RAM (what is stored by the game in memory while it runs). You have two tools and they interpret data in PAK files differently.

I wouldn’t been surprised by this.

UassetGUI is no longer able to open files without header data. UEXP header files are either not present anymore or Fmodel is unable to export them. AssetEditor manages to open files without headers, but the data being parsed is not always the same as FModel.

Game will crash if CE is attached to the process, so we can’t confirm RAM data. I suspect any other tool that will read data from RAM will likely trigger EAC as well.

On game testing, for example, arrow damage does indeed 50% (0.5) damage from the reported damage on the arrow projectile.

Seems also that LMS damage reduction perk apply only to certain damage types, as it does not apply to bow, but applies to combistick

Tony pebbles are easy to find.
Get yourself a nice little corner, grab one and start suckling.

It’s not ram dude

I see the problem. UassetGUI displays invalid object name. Look at the Armor you have selected on the left… it is 11th, so 0.5 value is for Bullet_SmallCaliber. It is confirmed by the Property Index as well… just look at indexes here:

Also, screenshot from FModel is from version 2.50, not 3.0.0. But the values for Arrow damage modifier are same in both versions 75%

I asked if the difference is between PAK and RAM. It is obvious it wasn’t by the screenshots you posted. So different value is not because Illfonic uses hardcoded values, but because you boys messed the tool.