The Honest Truth!!!!

It’s good that they are expanding a have a new game. Cant put all eggs in one basket. It is smart.

The PS4 beef is so-so. I’d say illfonic is overmatched with coding for phg so PS suffered more. PS5 and PC masks those issues, and it’s not so bad. Id imagine they’d have same problems with PS4 for the new game so they avoided that and moved on, which i think is a good decision. They did what worked for them as a small company.

The new game looks promising and probably got funding from third parties, PS or whatnot, so i think is a bit rough to say that phg is being neglected because illfonic is mostly investing funds for the new game.

I am excited about AFT

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Its just like that. and thats the way it is.

This is where Cadillackid comes in a shows his stuff. ( these guyslook like they are in their 30-40s.)

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Agreed and yes that’s a great way to sum it all up actually a perfect way to sum it all up I feel the same way I can’t wait 😛

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Yeah man idek what I did to get all that but hey it’s cool idc I’ve heard worse

But they dumped the money from this game and it’s dlc into that one, before making this product… good lol so it’s definitely not super chill. Glad they finally have there own ip though that is cool


It sucks for the fan base, but i still think it’s a smart decision for them. Phg is not growing the way you’d expect to be in the green so they don’t want to overinvest into it. It could break them. They got noone but themselves to blame for it, but they can’t go down with the ship if it sinks. The new game affords them a few life boats.

Sometimes projects fail. They still promise a couple if DLCs and whatever comes after. For whatever it’s worth, this game will be kicking a bit longer.

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I think content will continue through at least 2022

Hoping it can pull a DBD


YOu guys dont’ check up on the state of the game over on the PC side do you?
Just check the damage average on PC DS vs PS potatoes. Then just understand that those numbers don’t constitute the state of play, only the most extremes. Then understand that the majority of PC players who enjoy the game play with some potatoes and those who enjoy the game as PS play with half DS PC players. You guys shouldnt proclaim that these perspectives are the defining the game and that they are merely just perspectives.

When you can rise above both of these perspectives is when you can truely have a valid diplomatic point of view. You all are a bunch of viking nazis.

Yeah but the problem is they have not even come close to over investing in this game at all hahah the problem is the opposite


Bro we just had an entire post about this yesterday. All the pc players have the same exact complains as console. Go look at the thread homie

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What you said about target audiences man really nailed my opinion on Arcadegeddon.

My personal theory is as follows:

They knew pred would be added to fortnite.
They saw the massive spike in players from that. Analyzing the demographics it is all young children who got the game because “oh look they made a game for the fortnite alien”.

Because of the massive boost from that, IllFonic realized the smart move for their wallets was to make a game that appealed to the fortnite demographic of squeakers. Hence they started funneling money from the PHG DLCs into their new project.

Unfortunately its probably gonna work, and likely screw us pred fans over in the long run. We’ve seen it from all the dlc money not being reinvested into the game in the form of bug fixes/work for dlc. I’m guessing this game will survive at least until the second anniversary and the it’s SWBF2’s “our vision is complete” all over again.

I’d really like to be wrong here, but IllFonic is a company and in the end will do what’s best for their bottom line, and at a certain point where Arcadegeddon draws in more money than PHG and PHG starts drawing a deficit, they probably will cut service.
I’d really like to be wrong here.


What? The jumping in to the crack of a tree-infinite fall time? The rage quiting? or is it their internet connection? Is it the the shots from behind a wall? or the hacking and cheating?
Is it the camping out underneath the stairs? or in the huts? oh, boo whooo WHOOOWHOOWHOO!

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I mean hacking and cheating is literally near a pc exclusive issue 😂 but yeah I mean it’s the same game on both platforms. Pc literally just runs better. But that’s all. There’s still all the same issues. Again if you don’t believe me go read the thread where I asked pc players if they had the same problems

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Besides all the ones on here? Lol

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I think they had a solid plan as far as DLCs and updates and it’s not a month to month implementation of random ideas, but somewhere along the line things got really hard and the payoff was not as good.

But yeah, i do think they’ve been releasing content either without properly testing it or knowingly glitched. I’m not really sure what to say about that.

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Im done guys. You all have it out with all your PS players complaints. PC players will just laugh at you. We will play 10x more matches and win 10x as much.

Preach, brother. Even me, one of the biggest Predator nerds, quoting the fucking movie at least 3 times a day, has lost interest. I’ve quit and only come back to play with homies in private matches. Like, fuck man. I’m over here holding out hope and trying to keep people’s hopes up but I just can’t anymore. And I’ve put over 2,000 hours into bettering myself in the game, and for what? $180 down the drain. Two deluxe editions, all the dlcs, and a pre-order code for JH-87 for one lucky sumbitch. I invested and lost big time.

About that community collab team, same bro. I email Honourael and he accepted my application. Maybe we could stream together on release, bro. Hmu on Discord!

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get gud! You guys suck! So much time waste…just buy a damn compatible K/M… Just sell your parents or your children…or google what the fuck you need. Jeesus christ its like talking to a bunch of children who still use a Motorola for a phone.

$180 down the drain.

WTF did you buy? A Game and some illegal drugs? I know i didnt pay that much for this shit!

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Two deluxe PHG editions and all the DLCs. One digital, one disc.


u got Autism. Now I dont know who the fuck does that.

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