The mandibles are all wrong!!!

Nuke kill all

If this guy can devour planets and their cores which temperatures are hotter then a nuke then no


It’s not the heat it’s the force

So your telling me a death of a planet exploding as it’s being devoured isn’t enough of a force like a nuke?

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Unicron: Perhaps I misjudged you. Proceed, on your way to oblivion.

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The density of a planet can not be effective by a small nuke unless their planet killing shells from Warhammer 40K

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Ya but that’s after that thing gets hit by an arc

You know something only a small prototype was capable of destroying a large moon

That’s fiction

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So are transformers

Ronin’s sword block was so broken in Titanfall 2 and they just refused to do anything about it.

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Holy crap unicorn is HUGE!!!
Looks like if Kuat was on steroids xD

No, I disagree. I think you’d wanna be bulky when fighting a Xenomorph cuz they’re really strong creatures. Celtic would have won that fight if he wasn’t savoring the moment of about to stab that Xenomorph with his knife

Looked like he was trying to figure out how to approach it as it was clearly breaking out of the net in .5 seconds. Supposed he could’ve thrown it. His fault for being slow and bulky really.

I guess we are at a impasse

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Arc goes time skip brrrrr

Nien, he was watching it suffer from the net pain squeezing before delivering the final strike but since he was a Young blood most of his gear wasn’t acid proof

But they don’t feel pain…?