The Matriarch (Class idea)

The Matriarch is my personal class idea to be the counterpart of the elder. Both unlocked at lvl 150 and both free updates not dlc.

My idea for the class is to make a melee focus predator much like the berserker as I tend to play and enjoy melee much more than ranged.

Starting off they would have the same amount of health as the Hunter, slightly more speed than the Hunter, but vastly less gear and perk slots. Their energy pool and regeneration would remain normal if not be on the lower side. They would have two class passives, one being for roughly 10% faster melee swings, and the other would make tracked targets in infrared stay tracked for longer and visible at a slightly longer range. To balance this they would have a lesser damage debuff to all ranged attacks to help you focus on a more melee plan of attack.

Their armor style would be very sleek and slender armor that covers most of their forearms and legs, wearing more metal than netting over their body. They would be quite tall and on the slimmer side compared to the other classes.

My idea for the Matriarch is to have a proper “assassin” esc class for pred. Rushes in, gets a pick, rushes out and stalks them ready to pounce again. Not a group fighter, not a sniper, and certainly not a tank. More of a melee focused scout class with more survivability than them.

Please tell me what you think


Sister Midnight DLC confirmed!!


Had more of a Windigo or Hashori in mind but she absolutely fits the bill too

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Don’t forget about big mama too!!

I’d play as her over the berserker we have now


I’d also play her over zerker anyday. My main pred is a female zerker anyway so it fits right in

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Is more the berserker version of what you described. She’s a powerhouse. Below I have a bit about the matriarch, hope you don’t see it as stepping on your toes.

I very much like the idea of a Matriarch class, that’s a combo of Hunter/Scout, I’d lean toward more perks than a Hunter but less than a Scout, gear at Scout levels but Hunter health.

For class skills we can give her the equivalent of Height advantage but active while in a swing animation, so slightly less damage taken while on the attack. I’d find that preferable to swing speed.
The second one could be something like bleed damage on all blades attacks rather than just the Katana. So wrist blades, smart disc, elder sword. Very low damage like 5 points, more for the panic it causes than making melee to powerful.


I’d be more than okay with that too, I mainly wanted a melee passive that wasn’t just zerkers more damage per hit

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Also new pfp of my favorite pred girl

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I’m gonna miss your old profile pic, but I do like your new one.

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As much as I love A21 I feel like this is much more fitting

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At least till you get your Matriarch, 😉.

One last thing, I hope your Matriarch is presented as a separate class than the character mentioned in the tapes that gave Dutch his scars. I want Dutch’s attacker and this idea as well. It think it only fitting that the male elder gets his match and we get a named character too.

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I’m gonna take this moment to say man I fucking love this game

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i would really like this idea but i’d actually want the stat disribution of
elder hp
speed and stam of hunter/city hunter
gear of scout
perk points of scout
NRG i don’t care could literally be worse than samurai for all i care
passives I would probably want to be
anything that effects melee positively
hunter bullet damage resistance or quieter footsteps or higher/faster jumps or some other idea i can’t think of right now

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The passive to bullet damage resist goes against her being an assassin though. Also give them the health of elder and they’re much too squishy for a class dedicated to melee. Lower hp pool typically means you want to be further away and attack from safe positions. While this would balance things out from stopping her from being a melee powerhouse it would also encourage ranged gameplay which would be nerfed on her.

Having a higher hp pool would be necessary given that melee is very hard to get away with, go in, down and claim, and soak up some bullets. Not to mention if you get parried especially with lower hp you’ll just get melted before the game really even started.

i don’t think hp is at all necessary to being a viable melee class i think speed and stamina is FAR more important especially with the way perks are now since right now big pouch gives 4 hp bars you can trade hp far easier just by taking it so by having more perk points you can afford to have less hp and therefore have the other stat points be higher to compensate

bullet damage resistance currently is just the best passive in the game it’s why the meta is to play hunters (along with other obvious reasons like them simply having the most stats period)

and having a lower hp pool doesn’t necessarily translate that way as for scout they specifically do less melee damage if they didn’t they’d be far and away the best melee class

simply because they could overspend on good perks like fast hands fearless big pouch for example they’d then carry nets + sword and be literally unstoppable against any FT currently anyone they netted that wasn’t using a macro to get out would just die the moment the scout lands a net plus they would have the speed to properly play the hit and run via running jumping as needed in the chaos of combat idk man it’s the way i play my melee classes which are all hunters

also you wouldn’t bother claiming even if you were full on melee you’d plasma caster poke or melee the guy who attempts to rez otherwise we end up with a class that gets nerfs just like the zerker as that was the primary reason players hated early zerker you could facerush melee down QC and it felt like there was nothing bad FT could’ve done

by making the hp less it forces players who want the melee style to be better at the game and let FT feel as though they have a better chance allowing for the rest of the classes stats/ passives be better

also going for the “assassin” archtype doesn’t that mean they should have less hp as by nature assassins in games typically are glass canons?

actually if we are going for that i’d want her unique passive to be one less down to trigger stealth kills so instead of 3 it’s 2 which in turn would encourage this predator to not even go for QC’s

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I just like her how I described, she’s not meant to be meta but just my preferred type of class

I do like his idea for one less down for a stealth kill. It’s better than my bleed damage one, much more Assassin.

An update that I thought of that would come with the Matriarch would be the inclusion of Lures. Lures would be used to bait boars into snares for an easier access to healing. You would place them similarly to a bear trap and after awhile a boar would stumble in and get trapped, waiting for you to feast upon it

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all she needs is an excessive amount of red lipstick

Matriarch should be a “Body type” in this case, not a class.

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