The New Lazy Questionnaire 1 for game version 2.0 (Please answer ALL THE DAMN QUESTIONS, and bump after finishing.)

mercenary is good for controller players (that hip fire accuracy is insane)

pump action is awesome (specially the double shot) but only at close range

Bane and OWLF for me are useless

Prepper used to give you more starting ammo, it no longer does. It just gives you more top off amount.

I use hammerhead so no need for frags for me

Syrettes are always a must

My main loadout is

Syrette, Ammo Bag, Noise maker (I honestly don’t use them, neither smokes, but noise makers are fun against stupid preds, lol)
Double speed, iron longs, heavy hitter

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Noise makers are defo the most usefull of the side utilities imo. A lot of preds rely on sound alone so its a good tool no doubt.

Good build. Its pretty close to what I used pre patch.

(interchangeable) Hammerhead AK LMG SCAR
Syrette, noise maker, and either ammo or medkits
Iron lungs, (Whatever the increased interaction speed one is), and really the last one was whatever I was feeling.

is a hard victory. but at first it was floor wiping. we’ve gotten better

as for destroyable weapons, I don’t think any should be, including bear traps. But bear traps have a ridiculous range and created a force shield. so, they had to do something about that. If it were up to me, I would have just adjusted the ridiculous range to 1 meter and got rid of the force field.


I dont mind the traps being destructible. I just mind that they make noise but are also invis. Makes no god damn sense.

Make them visible, make them silent, leave them destructible, and make it so you have to shoot the trap itself, not the aoe to destroy it. (The aoe is a necessary evil because if it didnt exist it would be impossible to ever hit a trap without placing right on doors)

Okay i will say… if we make shoulder plasma destroyable then it should be made one shot as it was and more powerful (no trolling or joke intended)

Btw you all forgot the meta that works flawlessly, rock semi auto sniper eith dmg reducing perks and you need good aim and thats about it… land shots anywhere on the body lmao… he should be done with 7 shots or so if he is max HP… 5 if he is less (head is better to aim at for sure) .

My idea was to remove semi auto from the game cause its un realistic for someone to run faster than usain bolt with a 50cal that weighs 38kg and can shot while at it and does not have bullet drop or anything.

The true meta however is abusing game core mechanics such as pig spawning and basically disabling it by constantly camp there until pred runs out of pigs which should be in like 3 to 4 waves i guess IF the pigs even spawn properly…

Next up meta which everyone probably does and neglects is the spawning closer to the objective.

they are clearly visible if you pay attention. I consider the sixth sense useless because I always spot them by sound and then see the visual arc they create

I would just remove red dots, iron sights, and holos from snipers (excluding the m14)

Sure you do a lot of damage at range. But you have to use a ranged scope so good luck abusing the damage close up.


we rarely, if ever, choose the spawn on the objective. is boring. lmao

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Oh I know. They are as shitty as preds cloak when moving. Im just saying get rid of the invis.

I dont think preds would ever put cloaks on their bear traps regardless. its overengineered af.

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Okay i kid you not i never had to fight a predator that has been only close range combat cause like last time i had melee rush was in 1.06 lmao… and all the new matches ive had they all stayed away and used smart disc… and i was literally just sniping them and winning which makes 0 sense at all…

anyway… I’m bored… anyone here wanna team up? I hate playing with randoms that go veri hunting

Who is the “WE” here? Every single random FT match ive had since post launch patches they all pick closest location to the objective lmfao… i keep putting random location just for my team to have a fair fight to predator

im good, But I hope you find someone else to play with

I dont really enjoy playing anymore. I havent since elder. I play a bit every update just to see but meh

still feels like the same shit, just different glitter on it.

we, as in me and the people we usually play with. with randoms is a different story, though sometimes they are so retarded they vote for the wrong infill

We is his premade

and tbh if anything id prefer to pick the further spawn so I can jebait the pred into going to the wrong side of the map for the first few minutes.


Bump baby

I mean my FT doesnt have an issue when theres only 2 of us with 2 randoms, or even after 2 randoms leave and theres just two of us, we still win nearly every time…

To actually have someone defend the state of FT just blows my mind.

IF you’re a PS4 player then fair enough. but if you’re PC you shouldnt be losing nearly as much as you say you are…

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in his defense I think he spends more time than not playing private matches against actually good preds. So his Win/Loss Ratio isnt quite the same because of that.

pretty much. we lose maybe 1 match every couple of days in pubs, playing for hours

private matches against friends is a whole other story

I suspected as much. Same for me. Pubs are probably 85/100 wins. (And thats probably being generous)