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Nah, I’m not playing for money lol

Woody 1


Fair lol

Hahahahahahaha what a fucking cry baby. No wonder that stupid kid constantly cries about Grandmaster B lubing his butthole up. “hE’s ChEaTiNGGGG REEEEEE. He HaS tO bE. NoBoDy bEaTs El Gran Prozi!”

But bro WTF? This video proved to me that @Prozi_Judge and his buddies were absolute POTATOS, and that there’s no way in hell that guy naturally improved that much since then. He’s 100% aimbotting. All him and his buddies do nowadays is find an elevated position that gives clear line of sight to an approaching pred, and ESP spot + aimbot snipe them with SAWZ. It’s literally what I would do as well if I wanted to give a pred zero chance at killing me. I’d camp the helipad on HQ or the warehouse closest to the trainwreck on Derailed, and then gl even trying to shoot plasma at me, let alone get close to me.

I mean Look at that slideshow lag you had to deal with because your ping was hovering around 100, let alone 300 lmao. I have insane hacks, and even I drop out of that shit simply because the slideshow bullshit is that annoying. It’s not even because I’m going to lose (because I’m obviously not). It’s just bothersome to play with that lag, plain and simple.

I didn’t accuse him of hacking. I accused him of using macros and animation cancelling bullshit, which are exploits even by Illfonic’s definition, while he cries about legit in-game mechanics like Field Medic. Just like that bitch Prozi does. “Nooooo, not the reconi trakeri! WHY U CHEAT MANG!”

And I simply pointed out that hacking on console DOES exist, and I backed that up with hard proof. But your fucking dumbass will continue to spew bullshit and act like it doesn’t. “He even accused a console pred hurr durr”. I didn’t, but even if I did, your point? A console player can hack exactly the same as a PC player, so stop spreading false bullshit unless you have the sources to back it up like I have. Now go back to throwing money at Illfonic for pixel preds and claiming that you only do it as an investment for your dying channel. Cuz that makes so much sense.

That wasn’t my video, it belongs to Flash who was one of the best players at the beginning, but he stopped playing and focused more on Warzone (an actual competitive fps) He tried to make a comeback, but could not adjust to all bugs, glitches, metas, etc…so he stopped playing for good. He was one of the few American players who would stomp on the Russians on the regular. Sure he lost as well, but you know, his wins don’t count because he wasn’t an ass licker part of the “elite team”. So I’m sure soon one of these losers is gonna reply with “you know how many times we beat him blah blah blah…” 😴


Ya I remember him. I assumed it was one of your alts or something because I remember you being one of the best players back in the day as well. That’s why I know you’re credible, and the rest of these guys are just trying to spin as usual. If I hadn’t seen it for myself, then maybe I’d question it, but the fact that I did is why I automatically know these haters are just that, haters that are distorting and fabricating as they always do.

Exactly. That’s why you had ONE guy (Prozi) come here making hackusation claims about this Grandmaster B guy that isn’t part of these ‘elite’ cucks’ clique, and the rest just accepted it as truth. With others even parroting it and posting a video as ‘proof’ that showed nothing other than Grandmaster blowing that LCBanana guy away. So if you’re a sniper God that’s not part of the clique, then you’re cheating. If you’re part of the clique, then you’re 100% squeaky clean and anyone questioning you is just a mad potato. Got it.

Never had an alt or changed my name tag since this one, I have nothing to hide. How can people take seriously these “top tier” players who change their names repeatedly so they can freely play pubs with every exploit bug they can find, not to mention macros up the ass like wtf they don’t even try to hide it. I mean we have videos of their crew members macroing the fuck out of their bow shots to the point they miss every shot cus they dont aim and hit everything on the map but their ft target. Why they insist on defending each other when there is evidence for everyone to see its beyond me. They run around pubs with bugged loadouts but talk about honest play and ft being potatoes for using legit shit lmaooooo…

At this point its best to just let them be, every one here pretty much caught on to their bs already so no point in continuing to argue with these people.

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Hacker Ambibot


Japanese class here. 💪😁
“konbanwa” in Japanese means good evening.
And DaToR is PREDATOR’s DaToR.
In other words, KoN-bAN-DaToR is a scaled version of “Good evening, Predator” lol

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And Sahori just imitated KoN’s name, Bandator itself has no special meaning lol
and i’m kon lol

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You name is @HaCkErGlOvEs?

You wear the gloves of the great cheats, the Heckarii!
They are of the jungle, the predato!
You will be in the branch put their programa hacks will be of finding you…

You should be of selling me some hacker gloves so I may surprise the Heckarii in the jungle’s,
I be of paying 203.7km/s moths.


I can sell you auto reconi trackeri for about tree-fitty. If you are playing any other class and take ranged damage from the predator, it will instantly morph you into reconi with trackeri perk and auto spot el predador puta madre. Ambibot available for additional charge. Only English prostitutas accepted.



I have severe hyperhidrosis, so if I don’t do this, I’m slipping and can’t hold the controller well.
Are these worn out gloves a great cheat?

What happens when you wanna watch an anime girl get fucked by octopus tentacles and rub one out? I know how you Japanese are

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Very few Japanese actually have those tendencies lol

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