Do extra damage against gringo yankee predato?
Tactikakal cut to make macros on reconi trackeri faster & do more damage against the great bish of the jungle?
It’s just that it’s worn out and has holes in it lol
You may say “you just wet your hands”, but this is real sweat.
I’ll stop with doing that bit to do the medical professional thing that I’m supposed to.
Have you tried getting prescription antidiaphoretics or anticholinergics? Tried iontophoresis?
I don’t think surgical works well for non-specific or generalized hyperhidrosis, but the above 3 were what I was taught works well for generalized hyperhidrosis. Botulinum toxin even works, but it’s painful and the efficacy of injections diminish over time, leading to only being effective for the first 1-3 doses.
Thank you.
I saw information on the Internet that it was non-slippery and tried using baby powder, but it was not used because it immediately flooded.
Otherwise, expensive surgery is the only option.
I’m always happy to help out whenever possible.
Cringe list
Talking bout me?
I don’t use macros.
I don’t even know who I’ve played with who’d have been streaming on twitch recently.
Oh well. They can accuse me of whatever they want lol coz I know I’m not using anything.
This is why humanity’s going down the shitter.
Omg uses cheats Fantasma_Jungla! What’s next? Turbomacros? Ambibot? Gwallhack? Just don’t give cheats Rombak Assassin 😂
Do you discuss cheats and play with cheats? 😅 Canceling an animation is not a macro, and anyone can do it, without any programs.