The Player Observation Thread


I can’t even see that thread

Yh he got pissed off like a snowflake throwing a tantrum when I pointed out it’s really not that difficult to kill a single person. It’s like he was legitimately trying to brag about killing just you by yourself.

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I might post my Super Predator compilation in there when I upload it to my YT.

Only reason I haven’t said who I am yet is because it makes me sound like a cringey egomaniac if I say something like “you don’t know who I am”

Plus I pretty openly call them r e tards on there & I don’t particularly want my name being tarnished by the very few occasions I decide to not be polite. It’s not that big of a deal though obviously. Just a minor inconvenience. None of them have any platform to stand on anyway.

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@OGSTEPH Hey buddy :)

I mean, devil’s advocate, who wouldn’t be tickled to have kill Sam? I mean its not HARD, especially since he tends to isolate himself most of the time. Its just a matter of movement and outdamaging him. But the level of dipshittery Stephanie is lowering himself to to brag about it is unnecessary.

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the bots dont do anything anymore lol they dont shoot, i thinkk nasko doing mission when that happened, i wasnt chasing, i was next to the mission area

lots of guys want to brag over killing me ft solo, i would love to see them playing ft alone vs my pred

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Lol no, bots don’t do shit anymore. I know it used to be better to have bots than a potato teammate, but those days are long gone.

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he is lying a lot there, or maybe he is dumb delusional and didnt understand what happened

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I get it. Yeah, I’d stay anon, if only to not tarnish your reputation. But certainly be open for a challenge if they ever wish to. Which, none of them ever do, which I always found funny. They talk so much shit but won’t entertain the idea of backing it up.

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It wouldn’t go any better for him against you than it did for him against me. He started up an entire thread on that sub to complain about me & the Plasma Pistol because of how badly he got his ass kicked. I think that should tell you all you need to know about his calibre of Fireteam skill.

I don’t even think it’d do anything to my reputation. It’s not like any of them are youtubers with thousands of subs & are gonna make a video exposing me is it. Heck, even when people from here have tried ‘exposing’ me before it never really did jack shit.

The most that would happen with these idiots is I’d get a few hate comments on the video & some down votes on the Reddit page for being so much better than all the potatoes on there that it visually offends them.

But yeah I would gladly tell them all to get a team together & play against me but I know they wouldn’t. The whole inviting Xbox players thing would be a pain in the ass at first but it’d be simple enough as long a PS player invites them to my lobby.

I dunno, a lot of us try to teach new players how to not suck so we have some decent competition, and the clowns on reddit don’t want to hear it. So fuck’em.


Bro deleted his slam thread XDD

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I don’t understand it. My assumption is that myself and possibly others came across a little strong and he got nervous about possibly being mocked on the internet. Although why you would post anything anywhere and actually give 2 shits about morons on the internet is beyond me.

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I think he might have too. Like he doesn’t seem as aggro as the rest judging by his comments, aside from his outburst today lol. Maybe he doesn’t want to be viewed in a negative light amongst the community?

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Yeah, /shrug, internet’s weird.


He probably started shitting it after I called him out for deleting his comment telling me to kill myself after he started accusing me of deleting something myself & he said “you’re not welcome here” as if there was a reason for him to start being hostile towards me when all I said was what usually happens to people who use the leap slam.

I guess he was just fishing for a compliment from someone to say he has “good tactics” to use leap slams & not die.

The guy is a narcissist just like the rest of them. I’d love to bump into his shitty team of knife mashers in publics.

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Doesn’t that mean he, too, is an idiot? As he is part of the community? Sad how he offers no objective advice at all to this brand new player, like how Zerker is so slow that any FT could catch up to him, or how its weaker to melee attacks and with how knife rushing seems to be the in thing right now, he’s asking to get shredded. Or how Hunter is the better class out of them all, better than most DLC even. Ironic how he puts down the “community” as a whole but doesn’t even give this guy proper, intelligent advice, only what HE thinks is correct or out of spite to the rest of us.

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The guy is too so dumb feels like a troll, how mind even functions when he cant just read basic stats and see the obvious.

Zerk has 250 more hp than base, but no bullet dmg resistance like hunter/scout and takes 10% more knife dmg. There wont be much of a difference between using hunter or zerk on melee. Zerk does 10% more melee, but Hunter can use Fervent which gives more. Zerk got less stamina which you need and wont have enough to do many melee attacks, and he is too slow.