The Player Observation Thread

That assclown is cancer. I fucking hate that God damned no balls coward. He consistently lies to new players and gives out bad information. He’s a useless, bollock-faced foghorn of ignorance.


The funniest part is how literally any of the other free classes are actually better at using melee than Berserker just due to have better Speed, Stamina, Specialisations & perk points.

Of course it’s suicide against a good team to use melee as Hunter, Scout, Berserker, Alpha or Elder but you legitimately stand a better chance with any of the others because at least they can run away when they inevitably get second winded.

I also just said his advice is so bad I’m starting to believe he must be trolling.

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Oh, but see there you go with numbers and stats and other useless info that nobody cares about, they just want to have fun with the game and play what they want to play. /s

I don’t think he’s a troll, like he really seems like he takes his words seriously. He’s just a very, very angry person, something easily deduced from reading through his comment history.

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The last few times I’ve been playing, I actually have been using Hunter and Scout more than any other class. I used to use Wolf primarily, but Hunter Tracker playing combi/pistol has been working very well for me, and while playing Scout Ghost/Disciplined was mostly for hit and run memes, it feels faster and more agile to me (long jump helps a lot too) and melee with the sickle has tended to work, even against some difficult teams in pubs. I could never use Berserker seriously, like it just has too many faults to it.

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Who’s this

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some new random i assume

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It will never end

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I don’t usually run pubs tbh.

Lately I managed to win 90% of games in Privates playing as Mr Black & Falconer. Hence my new compilation video (which is premiering at 18:00pm GMT btw)

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just got a ps5 and made the mistake of buying the latest version of fireteam: c*nting grounds

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You didn’t make a mistake, you openly chose to give Illfonic money.

Then again, so did I, so…

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Watching now, the drips are sick

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Sam, come on, I know you’re south african but it says right there in plain english: he’s THAT EXPERT. He knows what he’s talking about.

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If that person is here, it’s not bad to take on game nuances, but incomplete information might as well be miss information and or false positives and it’s hard for anyone older to take someone who uses NRVE unironically serious to any degree

wanna play russian roulette but with all 6 bullets in the gun?

Oh hell yeah, I’ve been wanting to play that for AGES. I hope I win!

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has anyone here played aliens dark descent? it was out on ps plus for free so i got it but then had to run to work. is it fun?

Yeah I enjoyed it tbh. I haven’t played it much since I first tried it but I’ve always been planning on playing it again since. I just don’t usually get online for much else besides playing Private Matches on PHG as Predator.


i just played it, it sucks. really boring gameplay, it’s like a mobile game that was released for console. i expected more from a game bearing the title of Aliens. uninstalled, glad it was free on ps plus cuz it ain’t worth money

To each his own, my friends played it 3 times, I almost finished it once. Entertaining but not amazing

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