Posts like this make me sad that I’m permabanned from Reddit. Can someone educate this poor little spud on what it means to FAFO when you use melee?
The Player Observation Thread
Ive played bloodedyautja before but idk if there was any digits or extra letters after bloodedyautja its been a while since ive played :/
Lol it seems it was cus the guy took over the bot and the pred didnt knew that was a thing
Phg has the dumbest fuckers evee
R3 (Hold) > L2 > R2
In that order
Was just reading through the comments, yeah, he is an absolute n00b, as if the wristblade spam wasn’t a key sign of that alone. Hopefully he’ll get schooled and be a little more educated.
Bless you sir, will practice. Been encountering so many melee Preds lately, they must be taught a lesson.
Next thing you know, you’ll bump into that wristblade mashing dumbass from that Reddit post & he’ll make another thread asking “Was this guy cheating?”
I think the dumbest thing is that the guy just seems to ignore all the replies explaining to him that dead players can take control of Bots in the hope that someone will agree & validate his wrong interpretation. Classic PHG Potato Redditor - Ignorant asf.
Oh I expect it. I’m personally hoping to be featured on Reddit someday. And yeah, I noticed that. He’s not accepting the universal answer as the correct one. I mean he hasn’t replied to anything in several hours so maybe he will, or maybe yeah he wasn’t validated so he raged off.
So…yes and no. Wristblades can easily win a 1v1, especially if your parry timing is off or you can’t deal enough damage to push back and stay healed. I’ve been downed countless times due to wristblade spam, its annoying as fuck. And I’ve seen plenty others fall to it too, Sam has, we’ve all had it happen. But in most cases, you can easily get a Pred into a parry stun lock if he’s spamming blades, and move backwards and melt with 1011-12 or equivalent. This guy right here has only fought newbies, that’s why there’s no downside to using them for him. He’s never fought anyone who can counter him. And bro obviously hasn’t played with the sickle, its far better than blades overall if you’re doing any melee.
Its just so sad seeing people this arrogant and ignorant; we’re not trying to put them down, necessarily, we want them to be better players. But they’re unwilling to listen to those far more experienced and are stuck in their ways.
Ok I’ve seen enough. Give him Gesp, Thunder, Predator00101 & Beer in a Private🤣
But on a more serious note, this is precisely why I just teach friends or other good players with braincells. If people are too ignorant & arrogant to listen to better players who are more experienced then they aren’t going to get far at all, and I don’t mean to sound like some sort of cringey Yautja lore roleplayer, but these people are just like Young Bloods: disgustingly overconfident & a lot of them are absurdly ignorant, and they won’t survive many Hunts because they will never have the humility to listen to advice. The only person they are fucking over is themselves in the long run though.
No, this is precisely it. And I think a lot of them are the ones trying to behave in some cringey lore, like using wristblades counts as some kind of honor kill, coupled with their ignorance of how the game is programmed and balanced. And its the current player pool that unfortunately allows for that behavior to continue, as we constantly have more and more newer players that also are clueless to defend and attack the Pred so they fall victim to the piss poor gameplay, kind of like an endless cycle where neither side learns anything.
A though occurred to me, I wonder who here outside of some of the OG preorder players learned how to play the game from watching videos and replicating, compared to just figuring it out as you went along? When I first started I was absolute shit, I was only playing Pred and was getting torn up back in 2020, until I started watching BloodThirstyLord (I know, I know), and I followed his builds and tactics and I actually got a lot better. However it wasn’t until I discovered Sam that my playstyle went from casual and careful to aggressive and meta, trying to replicate how he played because it was what worked, and I was winning like crazy, even against sweats (not so much in privates but that can be excused lol). I just wonder how the player base would be if they stopped making potato builds based on what the game tells you and started listening to and watching content from experienced veterans on how to play “correctly”.
Here’s the video from that post. Pred is absolutely clueless, it’s painful to watch.
This is how I learned. And I feel the same way about the new players but I’m quickly getting apathetic. Fuck’em, farm’em, forget’em.
Exactly. 100%. Dude I had a match last night, I should have recorded it…I was FT against a Berserker on Airstrip. Pred was just killing AI so I pushed mission for a bit, then I heard the roar emote being spammed over and over from the jungle past the main buildings towards the farm area. I went to go see, and the dude had placed all his traps and motion detectors in just that one little spot, and I saw him standing in the middle of it just ROARING, over and over. So of course I sent a few SAWZ shots his way, he took off and I lost him so I let him go. Bro doesn’t show up again for the rest of the match until halfway through exfil, its the one at the top of the airstrip out in the open; I’m looking for him, can’t find him, until I zoom in straight ahead toward the airplane and BRO IS STANDING THERE UNCLOAKED, ROARING AT US. From all the way over there. Popped a shot at him, took his mask off, he charges, pop pop, a few of my teammates pop him, he goes second wind and runs off, I follow him, almost caught up to him but chopper left. I was literally like…what the fuck…who plays like this?
What’s also annoying is that bot should have shredded him up. They really fucked bots over with the 3.0 update.
people are too obsessed with honor in this game
Yep, most of the time bots are kinda useless but still better than random potatoes.
The ignorance is staggering, but I can’t say I’m surprised. 90% of those sub users wouldn’t know legitimate cheating from glitches and exploits, even if it was methodically explained to them. I mean, I KNOW there are bypasses, Jealou has said as such, but its a pain in the ass to do and not worth dealing with for the people that would use hacks previously. Its just sad how quickly people assume something out of the ordinary is a hack or cheat without learning how the game works.
those people cant understand logic, like to all those accused me of aimbot/esp, how do they explain me still playing same as always? am im suppose to be only player that knows to use aimbot/esp with eac active ? I havent even seen aston since then, maybe that got to his god mode
They simply just deny EAC works, or that the workaround is easier than it is. Its denial mentality, like flat earth believers. Like, just because you don’t SEE it doesn’t mean its not THERE. Its braindead logic. And yeah, Aston has pretty much vanished since 3.0, likely because yeah he can’t use his hacks anymore since EAC works now. And like, I get it, the typical reddit user will have no idea who Aston is, what he’s done, the history of EAC and this game and the hacks, etc., but to have it explained to them and how its basically impossible to do now, and they still deny it, its ridiculous.