The Player Observation Thread

Idek what point that dumbass was trying to make when he replied to me.

Heā€™s just trying to be smart, thinking he knows whatā€™s up.

almost like you


Except I do know whatā€™s up, sweetheart.

Most of the time, anyways.

Much like how I seriously think this is a full-auto SAWZ. This is either an old video being passed around as new, or the Dutch is one of the very few EAC bypassers.

the guy that used that would one shot pred pretty much, the pred hp would go to 0 much faster than that


thats just what happens when you play as mr olympus himself. this is fireteam: c*nting grounds

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have you seen how many online games are now using EAC there are a lot of them, and for all of them there are cheats, paid and free, even fc 25 from EA sports this year was destroyed by cheaters .

thats gay, big games have something to gain by cheating, fucking phg ? most of those guys just do out of spite over losing a lot

thatā€™s not what Iā€™m talking about. Iā€™m saying that even multi-billion dollar companies like ea sports canā€™t protect their game, cheats always have been and always will be

i mean in thosse big games there are more hackers, people with much more knownledge of this matter to try to cheat, they can sell etc, its a never ending fight, companies try to improve anti cheat, cheaters try new way to bypass that. Thing is in phg is very rare to have someone to pull that. there is nothing to gain by doing that

devs need to spend more of their moneey on this, the fuckers are just too greedy

I agree phg is a dead game.

I know, thatā€™s why this doesnā€™t make sense to me. Its not the basic Fanatic bugs, at least that I can tell by the HP loss, and that guy is obviously auto-firing some kind of sniper rifle. Its a super weird occurrence, I canā€™t figure it out.

Oh I know. Evil Dead runs EAC but its been plagued with cheats for years. Same as bigger online titles like GTA/Red Dead Online.

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i feel bad about what happened to evil dead. i like that game and it had potential to be something great

but then again i only really played it with a friend (sgt moose) so i only really played like 20 matches haha

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I do too. Evil Dead is one of my favorite horror franchises of all time. When I heard they were making a game I was ecstatic, though an asym was last on my choices of genre for it, but I stayed optimistic. I was a Cheryl main for the longest time, switching to Mia once she dropped because Jane Levy is a goddess. And I looooved playing Puppeteer demon, as that time he was so OP, the community was complaining so hard about it. It was so fun dicking with Survivors at max level before they even got all the pages and letting the match go the full 30mins. But I dropped off the game around when they announced they were stopping support, and while its still active Iā€™m so out of the loop and thereā€™s cheaters and exploiters all over, so Iā€™m good.

There was a rumble earlier about Illfonic possibly taking over. Not gonna lie, I would support that. But itā€™ll never happen, for better or for worse.

bro I play undisputed mostly now, I like it a lot, I am a boxing fan, I suggest you try it out

i NEEEEEEED this mans yt, this is comedy gold

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just search SGT MOOSE

You mean that BloodedYautja69 guy?

This guy is quite literally more likely to reveal secrets about his sex life than he is to reveal his username or gameplay.

@Madisyn_Skye found that out the hard way while looking through the guyā€™s postsšŸ’€

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guys we got a fantasma sighting

he commented on my most recent stream