The Player Observation Thread

I see that looking back at chat. That’s awesome, you’re been noticed by the Lord of the Jungle.

There’s also that comment asking you to play PHG, yeah you should do that. Unless you have another smelly old game to play.

ALSO, any thoughts on this TedTheTerrible guy? I see him post clips of his stream on the sub. I can’t get over how slow he fires his 1011, and how he kits it out with a suppressor AND red dot. Pretty decent at the disc though, doesn’t seem too bad.

currently trying to decide if i wanna play mortal kombat or jump back into the hunt

on another note, i chuckled at that guy BruceWilly. crying because his 10 yr old kid (who isn’t old enough to play this game let alone watch the movies) couldn’t find a game. like that other guy says, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree haha

Yo I saw that shit. I just checked, he deleted his post XD I love it when they get ganged up on and ragequit. Fucking kid is 10, also. Not like that really stops anyone, can’t tell you how many squeakers I run into.

And yes. Jump back into the hunt. You will love PHG on PS5.

Don’t tell him give Illfonic more money, that’s contrary to our mission here

i played a few matches, shit really feels smoother. i think im going to be able to unlock my full predator frisbee potential

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The FPS boost does help, but it still all comes down to ping.

GGs @OGSTEPH. You did better than I was expecting. Even though in the second game I was bugged after I died & couldn’t spectate or control my character after the reinforcement which is the only reason you got more than 1 kill in the second game but it’s all good sport & we still escaped anyway.

Glad to hear you actually said GG after the matches & decided to start being a good sport.

My team had a combined 974 hours between the 3 of them so I’m proud of them for kicking as much ass as they did.

Till next time.

@Madisyn_Skye @YautjaSymbiote


hahahaha saw it befor but didnt go into detail, now I sadly know, hhahhaha

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Yeah man you just can’t make this shit up🤣

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I fucking hate the new players. They don’t want to get better, they just want everyone else to be worse.


He’s not new, he’s level 200. He can hear just fine.

Edit after combing through his comments:


Day one player but only has 200 hours. Ok.


Runs potato build. Also believes he can cancel time itself. And again, playing since launch but only has 200 hours.


Doesn’t believe its possible to be tracked by sound by a competent player through the map, calls hax0rz. One tap is sus but I bet he’s overexaggerating. Also, PSN doesn’t have the same video settings as PC to get those effects.


He’s 33 years old and married, by the way. Married. And he’s over here doing this shit. Also almost all his comments past this point are comments on sex subs, not screencapping all that shit.


Ok one more lol.


Ok last one, I promise. I had to, this is fucking gold.


Jesus christ.

PHG Potato Redditors am I right.

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Amazing work sir


welcome to the internet


I try, I try lol. Bro blocked me XD He talked a lot of shit in his comments over the last four years but can’t deal with one random dude calling him out.

This game seems to attract them to the sub. I mean, better there than here.

I tried to lightly touch this, it is very old and has other inputs you can weave into it

Believe it or not predator can bypass all parry stun animations if they wanted too and is a silly thing I’ve known for a while


I’ve seen some of the posts, you can’t help some people even if you through the book at their head, stencho would’ve been a great example of that

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Bitch asses

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Yh it’s even more broken now because the knife hitbox auto-locks onto the Predator (idk about PC but it sure as hell does this on PS) & the knife can reach them from several metres away, so if you come into close or even medium ranges & people just mash tf out of this thing it’s devastating to your health. Even more so when it stun locks you while aiming or something.

For the love of God lmk lmao I’m sick of these fucking knife exploits in Privates.

It always happens when doing a Plasma Pistol shot into a wristblade combo & then I get locked in animation while they carry on stabbing me. It’s a pain in the ass when the game makes me do the Wristblade slash when I was very clearly pressing aim for the Plasma Pistol.

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