that’s what made the bow unusable, along with the damage nerf
The Player Observation Thread
Not gonna lie though, its fun as fuck to pull off against aggro melee Preds. I’ve had several run off because they don’t know what just hit them. I too would like to know how to bypass the parry stun, especially with all the knife rushers out there now.
Reddit users are a whole new breed. Or rather, in-breeding. Its like every other thread its some kind of braindead question, and outside of a select few, braindead answers.
Yh I personally can’t stand it when people just mash the triple knife exploit. I can understand why people may use it a lot in pubs against melee masher Predators & vice versa, but the kind of players who literally get 90% of their damage from mashing the knife exploit just piss me off & make me think why am I wasting my time trying to make these Private Matches interesting if these people don’t even have the skill to land sniper shots & this is literally all they can do? and so I just end up getting bored & playing more optimally, or in other words, “Let there be Plasma”.
I feel if there is any “honor” system to abide by in this game, its to not use exploits in privates unless its agreed upon by everyone. Like it should just be common courtesy to not. Its not a testament to skill in any way, and yeah, its boring. Fun to dick with in pubs, but if I’m in a private match with some of the best, I’d rather be known for my ability as a player overall, not my ability to do a button combo for cheap damage.
@Madisyn_Skye how generous of you to type up that entire essay for the new guy asking if he should get the game
PHG for 30 bucks is one of the most laughable topics i’ve ever heard. it’s not worth anything over 10
I’m bored. And besides, at least I let her know about the truth behind the game, and it looks like she was discouraged from buying it.
“Nobody wants to spend money on broken things.” @IllFonic pay attention to that quote.
Another soul saved, hallelujah.
I don’t really buy into the whole “honor” bullshit on this game because it’s usually just a poor form of manipulation used by Fireteam mains to make you abide by their rulebook of what a Predator should be.
Personally I just want Private Matches to be as balanced as possible, and for the more skilled side to be the one who wins, not the one who brought the most broken crutches into the match. But, I will just adapt to whatever they decide to bring regardless of how shitty they decide to get. I have embarrassed people by beating their Recon Trackers with Chopper, and their Dantes/Supports with Falconer. But there comes a point I just get sick of the bullshit & bring Dithered Lens on Scar, Celtic, Wolf when I’m tired of deliberately nerfing & testing myself.
After all, who wants to test their skill against people who aren’t trying to do the same & are just looking for the easiest, cheapest wins possible?
mission accomplished. we saved another soul from the horrors of fireteam: c*nting grounds
I mean…its a rough game in 2025. But it is far from trash. This little boy is trash.
AVP2010 was and still is a masterpiece, the campaigns were top tier in my opinion
I did play it within the last few years again after being away from it for awhile, and yeah the story modes for each side still hold up to this day. Its just the controls are funky for me, I’m used to more fluidity.
A lot of problems are very generic in fundamentals, probably not wise to go to communities and mouth off to people you don’t know for example I wouldn’t go to league of legends and say random shit like that
whats funny is that ive challenged him multiple times to privates but he never wants to do them
It’s getting old, there will always be people to fight, if they are like that you should roast them for awareness
His social awareness is incredibly lacking. I called him out for being underage and his response proved my point, as only someone underdeveloped would behave this way. And as Symbiote said its funny when they talk all this shit about being so good but absolutely back down when challenged. Especially this guy, who claims he doesn’t care if he wins or loses, but obviously doesn’t want to lose against someone he talked shit to.
someone should tell him that winning with the default war club against a fireteam in the default assault outfit isnt something to really brag about
i remember my first victory as predator…so many years ago…i was a berserker savage with the combistick and war club (i could not aim ranged stuff for shit) and i felt so proud of myself for throwing myself in front of the team and mashing R2, hoping they’d go down so i could quick claim and run away
I mean, this DOES win the majority of matches, since so many players are new or just potato. Its not often that you encounter one or more players in pubs that know what to do and punish for just jumping in and slashing.