The Player Observation Thread


I think he is as you said, at a crossroads to where he could become an arrogant shit or remain humble. He says he’s an old school gamer so I have high hopes for the latter, he just really needs to educate himself more on the game and get far more experience, because while he may not mean to, he is doing similar to bloodyyautja69 in giving poor advice to others. At least he’s nice about it and doesn’t put them down. I think as long as he listens to people like us who’ve been around the lifetime of the game and continues to stay humble he will do very fine.

I almost want you to analyze my FT play, but I’m too afraid to get my feelings hurt lol. Might be helpful though, I’m always willing to learn.

@DEEZKNUGHTZ now backs out of my lobbies

LOOOL seriously??

You as a Pred or FT?

He did that to me too so I assume he is recording/streaming if he is doing that.

me as pred

Tag him on reddit, call his ass out

@Madisyn_Skye @YautjaSymbiote
DEEZKNUGHTZ just backed out upon seeing my name instantly too. He was Predator, I was Fireteam. I’ve never even played against him before.


What a wiener. I mean at least he knows when he’s about to get his ass handed to him 😅

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Idek where tf he could know my username from.

Unless he saw it while I was playing with Sam on his stream or something but even so, that still wouldn’t change the fact it’s a bollockless move.

I mean he is on here as well, maybe he saw it when you posted it in one of your replies to me last week? Or he saw it in one of your videos?

Fuck knows. Idrc enough to ponder it atp. I just know I won’t be finding any Xbox premades challenging me to a Private Match anytime soon if this is their response to seeing my username.


Why is this guy backing out on everyone lmao

I played against him before, solo queue, he didn’t win but he didn’t backed out.
This time he did.

Well yh I can understand that if he’s a potato & a coward but he backed out on me too & I’ve never even played against him before like I said above😂

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Maybe you need to change your name to something super inconspicuous, like…PixieTwinkles97 or something. A name that no one would expect would belong to someone like you, so when they see you in pubs they think it’s just some rando like always until they find themselves back at the main menu in like two minutes flat.

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He backed out on me, even though we are both on FT! so my guess, he is streaming/recording, and want to be seen a the “star” for his videos. Same goes for being Pred, (* I haven’t really watch his Youtube channel. this is just speculation and observation"). and thus, the time you can catch/play with him if he isn’t recording/streaming.

Backed out on mid mid game actually when I was playing pred, I was fumbling around and fucking up a lot of things the game he quit on me

Unless he isn’t saving his recent VODs, it doesn’t look like he’s been streaming on YT or Twitch the last few days, so he has no reason to back out because of that. Sounds more like he’s trying to preserve his online image as someone who doesn’t lose, so he’s avoiding the people he knows will give him a challenge and likely will beat him easily.

EDIT: He’s been online here about 14hrs ago, so he’s aware he’s a topic of discussion. Wonder why he doesn’t come speak his mind with us

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i mean, that’s understandable. as a content creator myself, i dont really post myself losing unless it was a really good match haha

btw, did you see my scout video?

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