I can agree with that logic, because yeah, who wants to watch the guy they came to see lose? Unless it was some epic battle or some honor thing. I dunno, I have the match with Beer on my yt and I lost horribly, I just tried to market it humorously and found it an honor to be matched with him. If I met up with someone like Voorhees or Sam I’d likely do the same.
And I did, very splendid build I must say, I like it. I feel like the trident has potential to be very trolly if used the right way. The bow is so whacked now though, like I can tell you’re trying to fire it like the way it used to be before they nerfed the draw time, I do the same thing and it sucks cuz we’d be landing our hits more. The only thing I would change is switching that with the pistol, unless you’re trying to challenge yourself.
One thing I laughed at because lol Illfonic, starting at 6:44 you can see the trident has no collision with the fence, like it goes right through it like it wasn’t there. When you come back around after collecting them at 6:56, the FT is BEHIND the fence, but you’re able to spear them like nothing was there. Might be something to diddle with, to see if the regular combi has collision with that fence, and if the trident has the same issue with other fences, just to add to the list of Illfonic fuckupery.