The Player Observation Thread

I can agree with that logic, because yeah, who wants to watch the guy they came to see lose? Unless it was some epic battle or some honor thing. I dunno, I have the match with Beer on my yt and I lost horribly, I just tried to market it humorously and found it an honor to be matched with him. If I met up with someone like Voorhees or Sam I’d likely do the same.

And I did, very splendid build I must say, I like it. I feel like the trident has potential to be very trolly if used the right way. The bow is so whacked now though, like I can tell you’re trying to fire it like the way it used to be before they nerfed the draw time, I do the same thing and it sucks cuz we’d be landing our hits more. The only thing I would change is switching that with the pistol, unless you’re trying to challenge yourself.

One thing I laughed at because lol Illfonic, starting at 6:44 you can see the trident has no collision with the fence, like it goes right through it like it wasn’t there. When you come back around after collecting them at 6:56, the FT is BEHIND the fence, but you’re able to spear them like nothing was there. Might be something to diddle with, to see if the regular combi has collision with that fence, and if the trident has the same issue with other fences, just to add to the list of Illfonic fuckupery.

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I think you guys are going too hard on Deez, guy started playing on xbox release, of course he wont do well vs older players, like whatever

Some of us like going hard on deez.

But for real though, yeah, maybe we are. I feel like we’re more or less hazing him for backing out, like its ok to face the older players and lose, there’s still a lot to learn from that if you’re new.

I been advocating for Deez, I see potential in him I even consider him as a reliable team member. But with these reports (which I have first hand experience) doesn’t look good on him.

Deez Reddit quote (which also Beer pointed out on his video)
“I’m intermediate (474 going on 475), and idc if I win or lose. I’m an old school gamer, and I just wanna have a good time with good people, but that’s too much to ask these days.”

What happen to win or lose and having a good time?

its 2025. that kind of video game died in 2020

you’ll like my last video on celtic, i kill a guy with the bow and his body warps out of existence all over the map for a few seconds

I mean level doesnt mean anything, I know level 999 that are potatos (galgo, welsondemoraes)

I dont mind if one is good or not on phg, its more how they act on it.

What do you mean?

Me too. don’t care about his level. Me my self is off a lower level (i think 450+ can’t remember exact). What I remember is when I play with him as FT(a few times) I can rely on him as a team member.

if they act like assholes and that they are better than anyone else, get toxic in game chat etc

i got so many videos on such people, only thing i did was win and that was enough for such reaction

Nice! you really did hurt the h_unit premade squad ego/feelings. Speaking of which, I haven’t played with or against any h_unit members. Anyone knows at what time are they active?

  • Recently YautjaSymbiote teamed up with an h_unit member and beat the self proclaimed Champion.

i havent seen them in a long time, they usually would play late at night on US, when due to my timezone i was usually sleeping

Private games?

those were public games, those players would never play privates vs me

If they ever did it would probably be for the wrong reasons

I mean I’ve contemplated changing my name numerous times, it just sucks ass on a moral standpoint that I have to pay to change it every time on PlayStation while all these lucky PC bastards literally change their username every day😂

Similar situation to how I didn’t want to pay Glitchfonic to play the PS5 version of the game. The money ain’t the issue once again, it’s just the principle of it.

I think that’s pretty self explanatory from all the backing out he’s been doing: he’s a coward.

I didn’t give a shit what he plays like. I’m just confused to high hell as to why he backed out on me & is apparently backing out on everyone else. I’ve only interacted with him once on Reddit trying to give him advice & he acted like a narcissistic prick like most people do on that page. If people want to act like that with me for no reason straight from the get-go I will have zero respect for them because that’s as much respect as they show me.

Yh they are just average crutch players. They typically play Dante, Support, Dutch 87 & rely on excessive grenade spamming & knife mashing. Someone invited H-Unit_Q-Pac to privates against me & he RQ after using Field Medic didn’t help him. I very highly doubt I will ever see him join again.

dont play privates with them, they just run dutch and field medics

i really only play with them for shits and giggles in pubs because all the respectable players are offline whenever i get on

So when ARE you on?

I think it’s fine he’s leaving as pretty players pretty much need to hit the wall and they either take a break and come back better for it, remain in denial, or outright drop the game

Players for example who have hit the wall and were better for it that I’ve seen were early iterations of Blazeking, Shidstain, and Disk as they were able to show some frustration to which they overcame eventfully speaking as players of course Blazeking went on to get into other dumb shit because he has really bad justifications for shit though

Deez might not be going through a nuclear meltdown like Dice but people still rationalize things differently and you can only wait and see

Yeah that sucks and is pretty annoying to even go out of the way to call out, I don’t know if it’s too bad as you also have to wait and see if that gets any worse as well even then nothing really comes of it but it’s good to note that type of person exists and is a persistent thing within the game that you could probably give identify to as well

bitch ass baby blaze, he still sends me random reels on insta but i do thank him for helping me get free games online

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