The Player Observation Thread


Just set up a game already. If you’re gonna shoot, shoot. Don’t talk.


What do I have to be afraid of? You’re a random potato. I can run into better Predators playing pubs by myself. You’re a nobody, that’s why I can’t be bothered to face your Predator because I know it will be boring.


The Plasma Pistol is not the best Predator weapon.

Brother if you had a Fireteam I would kill you all with the nerfed Yautja Bow, but I’m not surprised you don’t have anyone to play the game with.

Factual statements.

Tell you what, I’ll get my team of friends who are fairly new to the game to join me & play against you Stephanie. They all have around 500ish hours each so they aren’t the most experienced players on the game & you might stand a chance at getting more than 1 kill this time.

You know what my PSN is. Message & I’ll let you know when they’re online.

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Just watch this:

I haven’t laughed this much in a long time. You have talent Steph!
And you have the audacity to come here and talk nonsenses…
I was thinking of playing as a predator against you, but now I don’t see the point.


“Muh controller died”

“I wuz having a bad day”

“muh gf distracted me”


You are all very funny this peak divertissement 🤣

Oh don’t back down now big boy. You talked a load of shit & now I’ve offered you a match so don’t go back pedalling now after all that.

He will. They all do, very very rarely do they ever agree to a private match.

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I try to start encouraging the ones who at least show up. Most don’t bother because being proven wrong on the internet is sacrilegious.


Imagine saying someone is scared to play you & then pussying out when they say they’ll play against you.

Pure hypocritical fuckwit.

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I’m actually surprised he chose to go against Sam, knowing full well what Sam can do. I guess that purely incidental slam kill got to his head, now he thinks he can beat everyone since he beat the great Samhain.

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doesnt even make sense, killing 1 ft isnt even beating, you dont see me bragging about getting 1 kill as pred, in my private games people can see what goes

some pred mains are dumb as helll
on this game, they dont get the game isnt 1v1 and they arent beating the fireteam i won against

you can only evaluate players by comparing their perfomance on the same faction

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Well spoiler alert brother, the guy is utter dogshit on both sides.

He just has a case of deluded confidence. Well, more like arrogance.

But either way it still doesn’t explain why he calls me out & then starts ducking me when I say let’s go then. And I shit you not, the team I’m talking about who have literally been ready & waiting for this idiot to respond all night to play against him, only have 1 person with just above 500 hours. Heck I don’t even think they have 1000 hours combined between them & they are still better players than him both as Predator & Fireteam.

That wasn’t even a slam kill. Sam killed himself in this case by firing an explosive shell from his weapon. If you take a close look, the slam dealt 84 damage to him, and the shell dealt an additional 60 damage. Total: 144 damage. Anyone would die in such a situation with just a few strikes. In this case, Ogsteph was just lucky.

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@DISK @Madisyn_Skye @YautjaSymbiote

Atp we should all go in there & just borderline spam him to drop his username & challenge him to a match. The guy seems to have even less balls than Steph does but it’ll be funny asf to watch him run away from this.

And, if by some miracle he does decide to drop his username, it will be hilarious kicking his ass.


I’ve changed my mind. Nuke them all. Stupid ungrateful fucks, roast every single stupid shit on that forum.





I almost want to know what someone like that is thinking on a game to game basis, it must be nice not being able to experience the pain of 4 competent fireteam and having these people come out as self anointed better players meanwhile people who go through prior suffering mostly don’t even want to engage

If you even disagree/agree it yields same result ego wise and is a lose lose until you full stack against someone like that which is going out of your way to assemble private at this point or catch them in public game somehow which is overkill as well, it’s a truly fucked situation to explain with little to no hits on understanding weight of differences, I would call those people colorblind in a way


So. I’m bored at work so I’m deep diving into this guy’s history, trying to learn more about him and see if maybe he dropped his name somewhere in the past. So far, he has admitted that he comments the way he does because he doesn’t care, he is very openly trolling (and doing it badly). He began posting on the sub three years ago. He allegedly has over 3k hours in the game. He has allegedly fought Disk before many times and won, and gone up against Thunderwolf. He also has a team. And his main Pred seems to be Samurai with katana, though he has also stated Emissary was his main. He is also a repeat purchaser, having bought the game on PS, Xbox and PC (which makes finding his main account a bit harder, though he claims PS is his primary). I also think its funny how six months ago he was calling Sam a hacker but recommended watching him over and over for months previously, and has done so recently. Bro also can’t decide how he feels about Illfonic, trashing them one month and praising them the next.

Funny how he has 3400 hours two years ago but someone has 3200 hours as of last month. Big doubt on that private match claim.

And here’s also this which I found funny:

Having finally reached the bottom of his bullshit comment list, I can tell you he is most certainly under the age of 25. If he is any older, that is simply sad, very sad. The way he types and attacks people, gives false or incomplete information, switches opinions on specific users and Illfonic’s practices, and the kinds of games he gravitates towards (Battlefront, Back 4 Blood, other asyms like TCM, KK) and just his vernacular in general tells me this is a very, very immature young adult. I don’t believe at all that he has played privates with anyone significant, despite his claims, and that he is mostly a pubs player. However, I do believe we have likely faced him before, probably several times, if he truly has been playing as much as he says (or even half as much) and for how long he’s been in the game. And unfortunately he gives no clues to his in game name, if he has given out his PSN its been through PM. And google yields no results to his reddit handle, in any variation (I might have found his old ModDB account, the typing style is the same and it was for AVP '10 mods, but the last log in was 13yrs ago). So yeah, I don’t know if we’ll ever get this guy to spill his PSN, he’s kept it very guarded, likely for good reason (he sucks).

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Someone tell the Jason guy to add me on epic and invite me I ain’t backing down I just got a job damn you guys are sensitive