The so called champion of predator hunting grounds

Oh where do I start with @JimHarbaughWQLVE my squad and I just mopped him up and for how much yall made the man seem good. Yall must’ve been joking.
(He messages one of my tm8s b4 the match started and after)

Here’s the vid:

My word of advice to @JimHarbaughWQLVE, git gud 👍

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Didn’t you see his TV went out bro


Not bad with no TV in excavation. Imagine me in DERAILED with a visual of what I was doing!!??? #GETSOME


Ok, seriously, he’s actually not the best at this game. He’s ok. But don’t berate the man. He’s the champion. Our champion. Respect and love our champion


Man that’s a good excuse but again I take my advice
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He decided to reach out to my team and talk smack. Sometimes you just need to learn a lesson.

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Thanks bro. Hope I taught you how bad you’d GET SOME in a rematch enjoy the shallow victory. Until we meet again #LETSGO!!


Bring it, accept the rematch invite right now!

Better bring some VASOLINE. This is gonna HURT!!

Be ready to eat those words

What’s your excuse now

Flaw in the game design giving you massive advantages. My 2 kills in the 2ND match proved I’m CHAMPION. #GETSOME


We gave u 2 opportunities buddy, we gave you your map, you had the quicker 2nd wind perk, and you had plenty of pigs. Yet the “champ” still got absolutely destroyed. Again take my advice please you need it,
download (6)

Already GREAT bro. You guys can stand there and make it the 4th of July while one guy runs inside and presses square. You cracked the code but I killed two guys in game two facing overwhelming odds. At least be a gentleman and congratulate me!

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Excuses bruh git good lmao

No excuses. Just REALITY

You were the one that was talking shit in the PS dm bro smh

You died 3 times champ…

I talk shit so I can get your best effort.

Nah bro NAH