The so called champion of predator hunting grounds

Unfortunately champ that wasn’t our best we were laughing the whole time while lighting you up.


We weren’t even trying but ya I can’t wait to run into you again in pubs 😏

I was laughing too when I killed two guys despite a MASSIVELY rigged game. Next time don’t laugh so I don’t kill so many

The game wasn’t rigged lmao

Oh fuck yeah it is

How lmao


Massively rigged…it was in your favor bud. This is denial at its finest.

My reflexes for this game are as good as any. I know how many openings to attack there were. Advanced strategy like traps get easily seen. It’s a joke

Yes I’ll agree on that the game is very unbalanced it’s been like that since 2019 bro

Yep. But I tread on cuz that’s what a CHAMPION does. How did you lose those two guys in game 2?

How did you die three times in all 3 games?
Why did you rage quit twice outta the 3 games?
Yeah you the champion of trash.

Lol people take this shit way too seriously. @JimHarbaughWQLVE never change, you stay proving why you’re the champ and some people will just never understand.


Trust me we’re not taking the champ seriously by any means. He decided to talk crap first, just had to take out the trash. But I do agree he’s the champ, the champ of denial.

Tsk tsk, this is why you fail.


I see he teaches his underlings very well in the art of denial.



Finally a good thread


To all the newer people on this thread, we played the champ again and mopped em up some more times.

Match 1:

Match 2:

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Agreed 👍