The so called champion of predator hunting grounds

Boutta grab some popcorn


Why isn’t the vid where I kill two guys here?


Are they really, though?
Bro stop jumping and slamming so much, it’s what got you wasted. And if you’re going to commit to a elder sword combo, commit FULLY.

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The 1st match you’d be able to see how many kills you got. The 2nd one you rage quit but either way you can see where you got your 2 kills.

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Lol @ChickenFlake his tv clearly went out

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Did…did you just call the greatest and humblest player an underling?
@REYNOSO_FUA11 what madness is this?!


What you all fail to see is I’m the best

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It’s alright, he knows not what he speaks. One day he shall turn his ignorance into knowledge.


XD that’s fuckin’ hilarious…
Couple of things:

  1. YautjaAlphaPrime is good, but he ain’t that good. I’ve DEFINITELY whooped y’all nooby asses before, and in my stupid attempt to respect his trophy completion I let him kill me.
  2. idk WHY you censored the image, I just looked on the video and knew immediately.
    In case it ain’t obvious, I’m saying Mr. Jim needs to git gud if he can’t even beat yall. I mean, my guy, your aim SUX.

All in all, I win the argument. I’m better at pred than he is, and somehow I’m better at ft that you are XD
Idk HOW it’s possible, but seeing that vid… oof. I mean, you weren’t even around the pred for most the match, but you shit the bed on the part where you coulda done a shitload of dmg.

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Your wisdom rivals my own!
Eclipsed only by your greatness, which is matched only by your humbleness, equaled by your greatness, which is comparable to your humbleness.




Well I am actually the real champion of the game but I have kept it quiet for so long. But now the secret is out. I am the real best player at this game. I mean I’m so good I even beat the game, completed it 100% and unlocked the secret Ancient class rewarded to only the best player. But I can’t play no more because I got banned for being too good at the game. You can trust me on this.

Y’all full o’ shit. I have played a match against a guy with a ps ID that matches your username, and the guy got lit up by ai.

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Shiiit that ain’t me. I haven’t touched the multiplayer on this game since Valkyrie. Cause that’s when I got banned for being too good of course.

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What you fail to see is I’m the best player
I’ve unlocked the secret ultra ancient serpent hunter because I’m the best


Lol imagine not having any sense of Humor or know what a joke is. Imagine. And shame in YautjaPrime for acting like a child and shame in you too

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insert old man “back in my day we didn’t unlock…” comment here

Ah but have you unlocked the true hunting grounds map for them, the school?

“Back in my day, we unlocked COD-knockoff-game skins through patience and effort. Nowadays, you youngsters just fork over £20 and you get all the dope shit you want. It’s givin’ me an ulcer. An ulcer, I tell you!”

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