The uav scanner
Again with you ? Something is getting past the gaurd dogs at Illfonic…lol!
Ok so it’s a straight minimap upgrade
I don’t think this is used to track Predator based off the description.
Maybe all enemies are represented by the same color blips so it’s hard to single the predator out?
Welp preds in 2nd win will no longer be able to escape
That’s my only concern with this one. That would be digusting
Doubt it tracks Preds. Probably just AI and med kits/ ammo crates.
So it was neither a placeable, nor an actual drone. Coolio
5 Gear Points🤣 I’ll pass.
It likely doesn’t spot Pred’s, stop you’re whining.
Also, 5 fucking points. Thanks I guess, not sure if illfonic realizes but there is no actually useful gear other than syrettes, for scouts.
Flash bangs don’t stun AI reliably and Predators just leap away if blinded, assuming you can hit them.
Smoke gives both the Pred and AI an advantage over FT.
Noise makers, awesome if you happen to know when he’s using iso… which you don’t, AI ignore them.
Thermal cover is a joke that makes it so the Pred has bonus invisibility.
Ammo bag, can’t afford.
Med bag, can’t afford.
UAV scanner can’t afford.
Grenades can’t afford, honestly forget they exist.
Could we get some fucking useful gear, or maybe let me spend those gear points on something else, cause I don’t need gear that doesn’t work. I don’t want 3 gear slots, just 1. Let me equip perks to those slots cause they’re useless currently, even if I do run something I don’t use it.
Whelp, since there are no current UAVs to think of, there is no use for it right now. But DAMN…this will come in a month’s time? Guessing sometime when an October 1st PAID DLC hits? It better be worth 5 gear slots!
Mass, the Scanner is in your hand but that’s just a receiver. The UAV is likely a Reaper flying high above the Hunting ground and it just scans your location and then the receiver updates your mini map.
If it does not scan for pred its useless, I can spot items by myself.
even if it spots them, doesn’t mean you’ll get there in time. Numerous times we get to the pred just a second too late, specially now that long jump has been buffed.
Unless you play berserker or a melee loadout without adrenaline boost (never go for melee based class without this perk) it’s almost impossibile to get chased in second wind with full stamina. If you get chased it’s your fault , it means you did something wrong.
I really don’t like how things are shown on the active HUD screen. I thought it was going to be JUST in the mini and main map readouts. Its WAY too busy on the HUD andvery distracting.
If it does not work on the pred, its garbage like the self revive.
I also don’t think it should cost a perk. It should just be a common utility like the knife.IMHO.
You only get two uses out of it, and it isn’t refilled at supply crates🤣 Just tested it in solo, sure it pings everything in a nearby area…but two uses?? Won’t be taking it into matches.
Its also a temporary dissapears after a few seconds.
Sounds like an airstrike vehicle that you can’t see and it’s effective range is like in the general area. It won’t catch anything other than the small area you are in the map.