The worst players i have ever seen

Potatos (The worst players)
These players unlike most of the ones mentioned above, rely on Overpowered 1 second revive classes like Support Field Medics and Dantes to win. They have no spotting ability and they’r aim is atrocious and also accuse many players who beat them of Hacking or Cheating just because they are pc. When we all know the Fireteam is in truth overpowered and the predator needs to try very hard to even win 1 match against true death squads. These people however are clearly not at the level and this is why they are at the bottom of the food chain in PHG.

Potato Rank

(All the Voodoo Players Roster)Governo-divisor,welsondemorais,Cezakgameplaybr,xNefalemx,ChrisHansen,Chris Handsome,Starvey,Steph3


Did you ever get beaten by any of these?🤣🤣🤣

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Me im the worst

If you get beat by light unit there’s no point in life anymore.


Also who the hell is this guy again? Why should we listen to his opinion?


Cuz im right, even in ur previous comment u said light unit was shit

Ah, yes. A completely valid reason.

old news lmao

And what is your name ?

One name in a large list of random names is correct, therefore they’re all correct. You could add Abe Lincoln somewhere in that jumbled mess and none would be the wiser.

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Im called Randomguy for a reason

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Because you name and rank plenty of people but won’t even identify yourself, cheifly due to the fact that you’re bad at the game or generally not respected in the community?

If you’re going to identify and rank other players, fair game is only fair game.

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Oh but I did rank myself…you only have to guess lol. U can think what u want. I only say this for a reason cuz i played vs and with them.

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And what community are u talking about? The noobs community who think they know everything but actually dont know shit? Or the pro community who actually know theyr shit.

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You’re light_unit.


@Derangedxeno_02 someone got beef 😂


Wish i was, that way i would know what goes on on his head lmao

No, no beef with anyone.hes just truly trash sorry not sorry

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Dude u got no clue who he is, the man’s sent Illfonic many emails on how to fix their game, telling them exactly how to do it, he’s given them concepts that they ignored, he’s made builds you don’t even know about, you may have beat him and if u did, it was a build he was testing, it’s uncommon for him to lose

