they need to punish braindead preds, not reward them (rant from a fireteam member who wants to have other strats than camping)

The caster that takes from the same energy you need for cloak and thermal vision, gives your position away with a big red laser, and does like 45 to 50 damage if you spam it.


You know that is not the OP ranged weapon. :p


I know that we are not on the same page and you seem like a troll but you do have a point, they only have a tutorial on pred (mostly because its the selling point) but yeah if you showed how quickly you get torn apart from not working together and you did not let them play until they understood, they would hopefully get it or quit, but then again people can do what they want and that we cant take away from them, and as the vid shows it is far to quick and they eyther need to make sure that this game gets an aim assist on console (because at this point I am not even sure if it is a thing in this game) or make sure the pred is stuck in the animation for longer, its eyther that or more and more FT will just swich over to pred and then the wait time will just be longer

Meh the bow is meh. And bug red laser? You insult me sir a ft will never know where my laser comes from lol


Nope nope nope
I use a special build that I’m not gonna reveal and the bullet damage is 900 something per bullet (can’t remember the exact number) so if this was the case we would have a serious problem

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I did not know that but yeah since you are an exsploiter my point will still stand

Um what?

900 damage per bullet lol.


sorry bad english, not my 1st

With the tutorial lol

Rocket launcher is for Clash and flexing on anyone jumping into a tree

But seriously rocket launcher respawn rotated frag grenades cancer

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I don’t care about you spelling it wrong
I just wish to know why I’m a exploiter?

if you have found a way to get 900 damage out of a pistol, then that is clearly an exsploit in the game you have found and use to abuse and have an easy time winning

I play Recon with Spotter with 7en, but I don’t like being out in the open for shots, I just find dark places with a decent view of the area where the mission is.


I run spotter with the Gosl and a 6x scope. I am hover near my assault with deadly teammate while the sniper is hidden away somewhere calling out 140 every shot lol.

Hahahahaha no
I’m just using the stuff illfonic has given me and made a build

A while ago some people mixed bane,hard hitter or whatever the fuck it’s called and did a huge chunk of damage with only the knife. it’s the same scenario I’ve used the tools illfonic have given me to make a build that allows the pistol to be good

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just for ya know quick claim is never used at higher level of play simply because any FT with a decent aim can melt a predator easly a assault with deadly+ yautja bane and hammerhead can put a predator in second wind in 30 bullets, so what we do? we spam bow on the fallen FT its easier and we dont waste our wind, i will be mean but the issue is not the pred animation or the speed, the issue there is the FT player Itself. trust me on that nerfing or buffing wont change a thing.

I was watching some random lvl 18 Predator on twitch, then he merc’d some team at exfil and I was shocked that I recognized the name of one of his unfortunate victims, that got wrist bladed to death after popping a stim.

Who was the guy?

God damn that’s tiny but I see who it is

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