they need to punish braindead preds, not reward them (rant from a fireteam member who wants to have other strats than camping)

you net people when someone is downed (or when someone chases you down at low hp)same with traps then they have to make a choice spend the 2 seconds going to the guy to free them from the net or getting the 4th person up if they get the 4th person up you down the net guy if reverse you kill the downed guy

this set up forces the entire FT to not shoot you or one person does shoot you and they lose the fight
(i use both fast hands and trapper)

It costs a weapon slot and to use it just for the instance you’re alone with a guy (for whatever reason) seems SUCH a waste.
Traps are easily noticed and destroyed. It takes a lot of luck to get someone trapped into one. They are not as useless as the netgun since you need to take some gear but still.

You will at best net one, 1 knifes the net as 2 train you as you aim the netgun. At least that is my experience. Against good teams its the hit and run game with the bow like sharpy does here:

If you end up against Sharpy’s team and you try to net… Oh boy… But again, I am not one of the best players but I do look at what they do. Even at MY level when I see a pred aiming the netgun at one of my mates its like “HAPPY DAY”…

i have gone against sharpy’s team multiple times and the best i’ve done so far is kill one guy

Predator has a far higher skill celling and right now (from my experience) what works its the bow against this deathsquads.

Plasma gun and melee work wonders against randoms.

and you would be right though plasma canon still works but only peeking shots or otherwise first strike type of thing

I will admit that I actually feel safer doing a claim if I get stuck by the fire team then trying to wait for second wind to give me an out or to push through, I think that there’s a bigger boost to armor ?

Something is wrong.

Two people alone are capable of SW a hunter through the duration of the claim alone.

Either your team sucks, hacking, or you all are using bad weapons.

Let’s just ignore the advantage of being able to tank more shots and just insult people

Shotguns suck

You don’t

Either get a good team, get a better weapon, or git gud depending on your problem.

Ah there you go.


Lmao I love that ending, “Ah, there you go.” 🤣

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Then you were missing. Very simple, Predators do get punished for playing dumb by dying, if you shoot them


I stopped reading here.

He can’t… unless by “shooting at him” you mean hip firing in every direction hoping to land every shot as if you had an aim bot.

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But bro don’t you know all us PC elitist have preinstalled aim bot on our computers when we buy them


and @Xan84

There’s no such thing as “SHARPYs TEAM”. Where are you guys getting this stuff from lol…

Im just playing with my guys for fun - and we often change. Its not just the same 4
people all the time.

But if u ask what team it would be that I would consider the absolute best atm - it would probably be: Arrow_Callis, me, makcumyc86, ProziPix/Thunderwolf

yeah i mean i should say Sharpy and his friends but he refers to you and and those folks as a team and by extension of the conversation so do I sorry about that

This is probably gonna spark a war but miss me with that fireteam complaint department who is trying to slap the title character to the ground, like I get predator is overpowered when your Split apart this issue isn’t a big deal if you have a good team to rely on.


Nah, that team you had in some of those games would be enough for what I was talking about. People that can actually aim and shoot.

You give preds too much of a fighting chance. I usually do around 3K. Hit them, sw them, chase them, finish them. No piggies, no healing, no bullshit.

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yes because for most of the time being i only play FT when i do my weekly challenges so i do not really rushed for their ass XD but yeah get what ya mean

so do I… I just don’t like extending matches too long. Playing with potatoes drains my patience. I’ll rush and end it in order to try my luck with the next batch.

So I’ll sometimes I’ll chase only to cripple the pred by taking the mask and then I leave to go finish the mission

Camping is not a strategy

It is a cop out

When randoms do it just quit

But not before tossing all your noise makers at them