This game gets a lot of hate and I know why

Nobody should be that tanky when the FT DPS is this high. A Combi headshot alone should put some one down.

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I’m confused

Are specializations locked behind a level or something?

NO HE DID NOT LOL!! Arnold got his ASS kicked left and right and did hardly any damage to the predator whatsoever, especially in comparison to danny glover in Predator 2. One punch from the predator almost crippled arnold. youre delusional as much as this game is. His equipment COMPLETELY FAILED. His bow did not damage the predator enough to weaken it. He was not strong enough to hurt the predator with his hands. The mud stopped working. He literally kicked the trigger and dropped the weight on the predator AFTER THE TRAP FAILED. He GOT LUCKY THAT WAS THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE FIRST MOVIE!!!

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This is a game not a movie. Lol

And I’m talking about the player not the movie, stop confusing the two x’D

Nah, that would be easy games. Especially when a Ft goes to revive or are trapped by the bear trap.

Ya but FT can melt you in two seconds anyways so I find one thing in the game which requires a lot of accuracy with a single throw projectile weapon to be a bit fair.

I really don’t have issues fighting fireteam.
I think if there are going to be greedy Pred players that go for a claim right away, fireteam should be able to punish it because Predators are suppose to hunt not really just go and kill everyone relatively fast like Jason in f13.

Look what happened to the Jungle Hunter in the first film when he went to get hawkins. That Pred got messed up & had to attend to his wounds

That is a problem. But the fix to that is high damage.

So how would adding adding damage to Predator be bad.

You mean Blain?

He only got hit once. I wouldn’t call that messed up.

And ya I agree preds rushing to quick claim is bad gameplay for both sides. I actually made a post about how to fix this.

I also wouldn’t use films as a reason to balance the game a certain way.

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Predator needs a damage buff to melee (except for the heavy attacks for the axe and hammer) but not being able to one shot people or tanky fireteam builds.

Predator players should be hunting the fireteam making them waste their supplies by using hit and run tactics. Costly mistakes should be punishable by fireteam
Keeping it Preds only hunt a dangerous foe that can kill them, that is part of their culture/lore anyways

What’s your thread called?

2 FT members can out dps a predator.

I think having one skill shot will be fine.

Making the combi a one shot headshot does not clash with any of this.

What even is the point of this? Again I’m saying make the combi a one shot headshot. How does that interfere with attrition, or being punished, or lore?

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I actually like the current balancing of the game. It really isn’t even that bad.

Two Ft can out dps a Pred. I say that depends on
the Pred player, build, and weapons. I’ve seen predators kill off really good ft squads really quick with just using the shoulder Cannon, bow, and Combi (check out Samhain13 he’s a beast and shows the true dps a Predator can do)

My point to your last question is if Combi can down fireteam members by a simple head shot it wouldn’t even be a -->challenge<–. You can easily get head shots when ft is doing a mission (where they have to hold square), reviving or trapped.

The Predator is easy to track, with or without Graphic exploits, through sound and Recon, tracker spam. Pair that with FT’s high dps then at the top levels FT is way stronger than Pred.

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Always go for the Recon first. He has low health and your way more mobile than the fire team.
You can use that tracker spam to your advantage.

I was an Elder and there was an assault, 2 $upports, and a Recon. Map was Derailed.

They kept me on the run and messing me up. So I ran to the jungle area where the helicopter is at, placed traps by the fallen tree and bushy plants. I baited the assault and Recon to follow me into the jungle since they’re the quickest and lead them right into my traps.

It worked and I just fully charged spammed shoulder cannon on the recon fist lol while behind them, using the branches as cover from the supports shots, didn’t even bother with a claim just solid pew pew pew.

I eventually won the match and all four of them were calling me a try hard red and black pred loser x’D

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Sixth sense. And that’s if the FT is blind and doesn’t notice the traps by default which can easily be spotted if your not being careless like they were.

And what about field medic dexterous? Why didn’t they pick up the Recon?

And that’s ignoring the fact that you don’t need the recon tracker combo to follow the Pred.

That team may of been running the meta but they definitely weren’t good with it.

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Thats me. I am infinite spot master. Spotter specialitie is spelt on. Once I get a spot on you if ypu stay within my felid of view I will keep you spotted till you either hid behind a rock or a tree.

7 second spot that I reset everytime I spot you


If I could just interject, his trap didn’t fail . It was set up for two possible outcomes , the counterweight was purposely for if jungle hunter avoided the spikes , dutch covered his ass with two points of attack with one trap . Jungle hunter was either going to get trapped in the spikes long enough for dutch to attack or get smooshed by the counter weight . Well thats always how I perceived it

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I dont see the point of the shuffler perk at all , if you can be wiped out from range once downed

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What perk? :p

Ya literally no one uses is except maybe Support.

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No the counter wait… Was to act as a counter wait.

He Improvised

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