This game is broken

I played scout and killed it with just 2 grenade shots and no bane, with help from two potatoes…so three in total took down a single hunter, man Dutch at this point would be wondering what’s going on and we should be two, I know it’s a game and it’s not supposed to be like the movies with one side winning but what’s the point, isn’t this a horror game? Aren’t we supposed to feel scared or are we so desensitized that we no longer care and that the Predator now is just a abusive tool of letting our steam out?


FT is too strong to be scared of the Pred. Only very few Pred loadouts are good against an average FT, and only if played by a good player. You probably faced a noob potato Pred, I’ve been fighting them the last two days, it’s hilarious. You are right, though, the game is a broken mess, on both sides.


I’m glad somebody agrees 😊


Lol no

But still game is broken


Glad you agree at least 😂

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Pretty much everyone does

The people who do disagree say that winning a one V one takes skill

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The game is not broken! (though, it still has got lots of bugs)

You just killed the hunter easily because you are either one of greatest hunters of the universe yourself or, maybe, the predator was a young blood.

If they change balance so that young bloods can eliminate fireteams reliably, what do you think elder would do?

Currently, it is a matter of skill and cunning.

Predator: Hunting Grounds is reasonably balanced at the moment with one exception being cheaters at PC (looking at you assault/support-duelists, filter and macro users).

Took one look at that name of yours and goodbye I wish you luck in collecting troll fee’s

It’s neither trolling nor bait! It’s my honest opinion.
I really enjoy Predator: Hunting Grounds alot.
It’s one of the greatest games if not the greatest game ever made!

Nothing like it has ever been on Earth before!

Yes it is

I’m not tooting my own horn but I’m lvl 150 and unlock most gear

Game is perfectly balanced for casual games.
It’s been like that since the latest major patch.


Just no

There’s no way you believe that

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I believe he’s using the sarcasm

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Yet yall top tier players still need hand holding perks

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Which ones you refer ?

This game is balanced around potatoes. That means one skilled FT player, properly equipped, can absolutely 1v1 the predator. Most of us here have done it. When you fix that, it throws the balance off for the potatoes, which is most of the player base. I’m not really sure what the solution is to be honest. It’s like balancing two different games

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Bane, heavy hitter, fearless and down range if you need to use these and are a veteran player you should just retire because your not good your just abusing a broken system!

Which only furthers my argument against using hand holding perks

Perks combined with specializations and the stacking that ensues I think is the issue. Perks before specializations didn’t seem broken to me.

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True! Its time for a perk rework I would say!