This game is currently GARBAGE

This game is so unbalanced and there are so many bugs this game is currently not worth even playing. The Dev team don’t listen to the players on what they want, they say it is Predator hunting Grounds but there is only on place this all takes place, IN THE JUNGLE… Predator took place in jungles, cities, towns, mountains, sewers, hospitals, gang hideouts, drug lord hotels, in their ship, and for christ sake even on another planet. They need to put all the mainstays in the game as well. You have the license by all sakes put everyone from the Predator Universe in the game. This means all the Predators from all the films and all the humans who fought them. This is really a no brainer here illfonic. Stop messing up and putting garbage in the game and make the right move and put what is already in the lore in the damn game already!!!

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Not gonna happen. What we have is essentially it. 🤷‍♀️


pack your things and go. nobody forces you to play this


You first. I was playing this game when it launched and I have watched a good idea turn to garbage due to their catering to the PvP crowd. This is a Predator game and should be just that. Just like the Friday the 13th game they dropped the ball there as well and had to turn it over to a company that had half a clue what they were doing. When you just listen to PvP players, sorry you get a garbage game that dies.

Why me? I ain’t the one complaining. I play almost every day and have a lot of fun with it.

No he has to come back again and again…and trash. Until we understand his autism spectrum. Until his griping yelps for help in public is replicated by the worrisome forum members where we look at him with ghastly ghoulish fear.
He is not done. No. He is never done. He will make 50 different emails to make him look like 50 different people and again, flood the threads with threads like “this game is trash” in the headlines then go on to explain that his game is bugged and nothing works.
I sympathized once but was not taken to the edge of insanity like what he’s going through.

That’s right I come back again and again and again to see if they are ever going to fix this garbage game and each time it is just more disappointment. This game just keeps slipping further and further into the depths of game garbage Hell…

SHUT THE FUCK UP! I was backing you up! Now you’re just pissing me off!

Hit a nerve did I lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣

You are right but the worst thing is the community, if it were, this would change and not that they only say nonsense, a serious topic and 50 bad topics it is normal that they ignore us

I want this like as a map


It would be nice

With glaciers and ice caves and a old fishing village

With environmental hazards like falling in the freezing water

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Gosh you think after all our map suggestions we would get it remember our snow Viking idea with a dragon in the background lol

Well we have the PvP keyboard warriors that they apparently listen to more than the old school gamers that actually know what made a game great. When it comes to movie title licensed games you have to have everything from the lore to make the game considered to be great. Not just made up shit to please the brainless killers. Your taking the reigns to the Predator Universe, take some pride in that by itself alone.

It is a PvP game.

It was announced as a PvP game, marketed as a PvP game, and released as a PvP game.

So how is ‘catering to the PvP crowd’ a bad thing?

I hope this isn’t going to turn into another one of those dumbass threads bemoaning the fact there’s no single player mode. Like buying a car and complaining it’s not a bike.

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No I can wait till the player base dies down and their last ditch effort is at least a bot driven fireteam mode. All I am trying to get across is the fact that illfonic is literally sitting on a goldmine of dlc and they just keep dropping the ball at every turn. You need to handle movie and comic licensed games very carefully as not to offend the fan base. When I say PvP players I should have said those players who’s only concern is to have a top notch PvP experience. You have to add everything and the kitchen sink in these types of games though to have a overall great game and it is most definitely not even close.

As I said before they ended up turning over the Friday the 13th game to another company to at least try to fix some of their mistakes. This doesn’t need to happen if they just listen to some of us old school gamers who know what made movie licensed games great. Star Wars games are great movie license games and Lord of the Rings games for the most part are great games. They have solo and PvP games and they add alot of the original content and some new content. They should be taking example from those games to draw upon a winning formula.

They just need to add everything that concerns hunting when it comes down to the Predator Universe. This means everything that is already there first, then add new stuff. They have to have balance as well and right now clearly it caters towards the fireteam.

I love when you can’t heal yourself because either your field is glitched or the medic bag is glitched I’ve literally had so many matches where I had to die because I could get more health or ammo