This game needs a offline single player mode

Luckily for you. That’s something you don’t really have to worry about. lol

Anywho. An objective based singleplayer component for the Predator side with some improved bots would the only saving grace for this ill fated, disappointment of a game.

However, given their “struggles” so far. I doubt that we will get even something as minuscule as that from them. Adding those modifiers alone must have been quite a feat for em. Nevermind adding improved AI and perhaps even some actual content to go with it.

“But what about the leaks?!”


There you go. You’re welcome!

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I’m aware of that, thats why I dont support online only games. And me not buying them is a small solution the bigger impact will be for players to stop accepting half assed games, cause they only make these online only, live Service and heavy microtranstion games cause players keep buying them

its only a “waste of resources” to a person who doesnt care about the mode.

It’s just a wave spawner for the AI in the same vein as the crap FT missions. Probably took them 2 weeks tops to just swap FT missions with preds and no voice lines & add some text.

Atleast everyone will realize its garbage and stop asking for Hunting Grounds:Concrete Jungle.

Maybe we can get a single player only game from Dark Horse Games based on one of their popular Predator comic books like Predator vs Aliens vs Judge Dredd

This game was designed and advertised as a multiplayer game and it’s focus should remain as such

Lone Wolf mode is coming and it should satiate the appetite of single player fans while simultaneously decongesting the Pred queues

the fucking pootatos are out of the bag today… so many fucking retard ps4 players

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Hmmmmm… been thinking about this and… not necessarily. Noobs/potatoes could get a better idea how the game is gonna work. Perhaps they will feel a little more “ready” and will react better when they decide to play online. Result? More fun for all players (both sides).

I am dying for an A.I. Predator. Playing as the pred in single-player mode is fine but I always prefer to play as the good guys. I want to relive the movie by fighting and killing an A.I. Predator in offline solo private matches.

Predator: Hunting Grounds is the first game is a really long time to honor the spirit of the first - AND BY FAR THE BEST - movie in the franchise. We have to go back to the NES, Commodore 64 and Commodore Amiga to find Predator games based on the first movie.

I just want to fight the Predator in offline mode without it being controlled by a human. If Illfonic doesn’t implement an A.I. Predator, I really hope they let the community do it if possible.

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The fact that the pred is played by another person is the best part. You’re basically killing a traitor to humanity!

Illfonic can’t even implement AI humans capable of pathing to an alarm with an object in front of them. Nor dogs, nor a full on AI pred thats not just a scripted tutorial sequence.
The engine would have to be made with modding in mind, its not something they go back and implement retroactively especially not as an unreal engine game.

lol you’re better of spending money on that Pred VR game if thats what you’re looking for.

What you talking about? The Predator is the good guy! He’s a big game Hunter who only hunts dangerous, destructive animals.

The FT are a bunch of meat-head frat boys who charge around the jungle killing their fellow humans.


If I ever got ahold of the “football” i would push the button lol!! Save the planet by dooming it lol!!

The day this game gets an offline game mode or private match modifiers will be time this game loses all support

I’m sure someone has already mentioned, but definitely play concrete jungle
