Tier list Predator Weapons patch note 2.23

Nah this is purely pc.


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The Smart Disc is currently the best weapon for Predator, look for yourself.


Hey now…slices PC taters just as good

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shotguns shouldn’t be there. LOL

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Disc is OP
Plasma is OP
And so is almost every FT weapon

Everyone is OP

nerf damage on all ranged weapons

Nerf Pred

Nerf FT

Buff Mayo

Buff boars, they need to fight back.

Because most potatoes don’t know how to get out of it 🤦🏽‍♂️

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I think more so it’s due to the fact that potatostation scrubs don’t understand the concept of covering fire and punishing

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“Come on, concentrate!”

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Yes, I can agree with that, as normally when I go to pressure a Pred, no one literally comes with me even though I say follow me or come with me on the mic, there are very rare instances where I don’t even need to say it and people are already following me. Literally 90% of the time I get claimed because no one backs me up, they just camp and be chickens.

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Here is mine

S: Plasma Caster Disc

A: Combi Bow Trap

B: Sickle Katana

C: Net gun pistol

F: Everything here is shit


the 2 are S… which is sad… and the traps 2nd… everything else is whatever… best builds are situatinal… if missions are fast medic is a must but not needed… premade builds only.^^^^^

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There is no single superior weapon in my opinion.

You have to combine them efficiently.
For example, the plasma caster is great for ranged combat against mobile and stationary targets with huge area-of-effect damage but Yautja bow and smart disc are superior to kill downed fireteam members or to down fireteam members trying to revive them.
Melee weapons get superior the lower the number of alive fireteam members is.

Note that there are several combinations of classes, specializations, perks to one-shot some fireteam classes like elder-stalker with down range and plasma caster/yautja bow (full charged headshot)/smart disc and samurai-ghost with fearless and battle axe.

here still relevant after may