instead of removing it how about nerfing it?

you get a certain place on your screen and instead of showing you the pred you get an super small area of where he is supposed to be


Yes I’ve suggested the ‘Billy’ spot…he’s somewhere over there, in that direction, but you can’t see Preds outline just like Billy couldn’t.

Better buff it. Stop cry pls.


You’re the crybaby dude. Nothing but salt flows from your keyboard on these forums. Go back to fortnight.


Sure, here are some additional suggestions.

  1. 100% invisible Predator cannot be spotted.
  2. 10 second cooldown per attempt/click.
  3. Remove the outline all together and keep only the eyeball icon.

i think the main thing is 100% invis no spot. no wallhacks.

That would be a great start. as many have said an eyeball icon i think is sufficient along with the compass icon. if it stayed as it is without those 2 things it would start looking a lot less like cheese.

how can one be spotted at 100% invisibility? that flies in the face of even having a cloak to begin with. if they want to guess and shoot make the pred move then spot sure thats ok i think.

wallhacks, do we really need em? is there an argument for these in any multiplayer game?

the outline could honestly stay on as long as the predator doesn’t break line of sight. id be fine with that too.

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the predator sounds are so localized and plentiful. i dont know why they tweak these instead of tweaking spotting first. make players use their senses and brains to locate where the predator is, create the dread. spotting diminishes other richer gameplay mechanics which could be used instead.


i said it after free weekend. Spotting should work that way to not make red siluette on predator, only add mark which not moves with pred, they can spam this mark, but it still not moves, they should move it by themself and use their eye after someone spoted place where you exactly. Did someone noticed you, he make a spot dot you, and other fireteam should use their eyes to find you in that area. Maybe you moved after he noticed you and that spotter-guy should update a mark if he saw it. This is work as in RL, and therefore no problem with not 100% cloak.Yes, they can see you in cloak, but every time they can lose sight of you and silhouette not help them, only their eyes

ya maybe recon has a special pair of binocs as a gadget which can detect pheromones like in predator 2.
remember this? maybe its shows a trail of where the predator has been with a slight delay so you can track it but not perfectly. that could let fireteam hunt it and let predator create traps for fireteam. it might be a bad idea but anything which involves more gameplay mechanics is worth trying.

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NO. This is not “Hunt for Predator” game. You wrote something about no spamming spots and give this instead to make the pred even easier to find?

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its just an idea. i even stated probably a bad one but still better than spotting. plus its way more tweakable than spotting. we’ve aready got something that acts just like that, the predator blood. the way i envisioned this would be you see a delayed trail not an exact location and it would fade over time and could maybe be proximity based, something vague you know. plus you would have to have the right class and using a type of binoc which would disable you from shooting making spotting a thing you had to do other than spam a button plus its lore based.

this would hardly make him easier to find. lets say boars also gave off pheromones that were detected by it so you could even bait FT with. i dunno man just an idea.

This sounds much better. But we still can see Pred pretty well sometimes without any spotting and there are no restrictions on same classes in matches, so… It’s going to be a long work ahead to balance all this stuff.
Anyway I think spotting one of the main FT’s op.

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ya you are right preds cloak basically makes him flat white lol so you know…until they fix that…

I mean, from the last few days you are probably the most toxic and ill-informed person ive seen yet… Sure we probably want the same thing, game balance and for the game to go on, but Christ dude give it a rest…

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I just want that crap fixed to where ur trying to spot and it spots the damn plant in ur face.

Team mates be like “woah woahh!.. what the fawk!”

You got the wrong pred.

My idea

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Spotting needs to be seriously nerfed. It makes the game unplayable for either side.

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I’d like it to be just the eye icon. Gives all FT an accurate idea of where the pred is or something the FT want to draw to the others attention.

Being highlighted is just too much

That sounds pretty good. I like your idea.