This sounds much better. But we still can see Pred pretty well sometimes without any spotting and there are no restrictions on same classes in matches, so… It’s going to be a long work ahead to balance all this stuff.
Anyway I think spotting one of the main FT’s op.

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ya you are right preds cloak basically makes him flat white lol so you know…until they fix that…

I mean, from the last few days you are probably the most toxic and ill-informed person ive seen yet… Sure we probably want the same thing, game balance and for the game to go on, but Christ dude give it a rest…

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I just want that crap fixed to where ur trying to spot and it spots the damn plant in ur face.

Team mates be like “woah woahh!.. what the fawk!”

You got the wrong pred.

My idea

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Spotting needs to be seriously nerfed. It makes the game unplayable for either side.

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I’d like it to be just the eye icon. Gives all FT an accurate idea of where the pred is or something the FT want to draw to the others attention.

Being highlighted is just too much

That sounds pretty good. I like your idea.

how about one spot per ft member in 20 seconds

Dude! Being able to hunt and track the Predator using a device to track his pheromone signature and sneaking up on him and all four of us unloading on him all at once would be fun asf. Not only fun for Ft but Predator too. As the Predator that would keep me on my toes and give me an opportunity to set some traps and an ambush. That would give the FT another option in game. Do the objectives or risk it and track the Predator. That would extend the time as well. Damn Dude nice call. Yo!! That needs its own thread.

A cool down on marking/spotting would be great

Can we please get a fix for spot spamming?

Something in the line of 2 is the way to go imo, which eliminates the “spam spotting”, the only real problem.

Anything else is just smart predator agenda using the problem with spam spotting to get indirect buffs.

If the Predator is cloaked and being still he shouldn’t be able to get spotted/marked.

He should be if he does something that reveals his position and the fireteam deduces where he is.
Being 100% invisible while staying still already allows to stalk, plan the approach and maybe get some hits. Then time to move and reposition.

Nope. Making a move takes less than a second. Predator cloaked and being still shouldn’t be able to get spotted/marked.

Even if the Predator is cloaked and being still aand not attacking, the FT can hear him and spam spot in the direction of the sound. Spotting needs to change.

As mentioned above, spam spotting is something that can be solved for example with a cooldown. Nothing to do with the invisibility.

Once spam spotting is solved, there’s no reason why the fireteam should not be able to spot predator if they deduce their position when he’s invisible by looking at the trajectory of his projectiles or whatever. The reason why now that is problematic is precisely because they can spam spotting to find him illegitimately.

a cd would def be a major step in the right direction… as for invisibility… at least on the pc side, they just need to make a much higher lvl for the lowest graphic settings so u can’t go full potato clan

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