Toxicity is starting to run rampant

So I recently enabled crossplay again after they fixed the spotting nonsense. And I’d like to say it’s all pc players, but honestly a lot of my fellow ps4 players are now doing it as well. I just wiped a team in 60 seconds, and yes I know, that’s frustrating. But then they all leave to deny me any claims. Crawling away from me, and quitting when I get to them, and one dude literally left mid long claim. This NEEDS to be addressed before the level cap is increased again. You literally miss out on all of your kills and XP cause people are salt lords.


This is the reason im still not lvl 100.

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Yeah I keep saying it’s not that big a deal because I’m capped, but like, it is a huge deal. Cause not everyone is capped. So many players out there suffering because of salty bois


Yeah disconnect penalties of some kind need to be implemented in the near future.


Well. There you go. You seem to be very fond of the Pred queues.

Toxic behavior begets toxic behavior. Them’s the breaks.


So are you saying me killing them quickly makes this kind of behavior ok?? Becuaseeee no lol. Killing a team quickly is not easy and it’s not like I can just 30 second wipe any team. If I kill them that fast that means I earned it. Like, duh right?


This is like saying killing the a berserker who’s rushing is toxic behavior lol

You wanna rush through matches? Go right ahead.

Enjoy those Pred queues!

I wouldn’t class this as ‘toxic’. Frustrating yes, but if you literally wiped them out in 60 secs then yeah, I can sort of understand their frustration - doesn’t sound like a fun match for either side.

If I encounter an FT that aren’t very good, I try and stretch the match out and toy with them a bit. I’ll let them reinforce just so I can get more claims at the end.

I really don’t see the fun in eliminating an FT in such a blunt, boring way.

Only time I quickly wiped a team out was when one of them immediately started shit talking at the start of the match and wouldn’t shut up.


I mean aside from a minor xp bonus when near ft members, the game does fuck all to encourage either side to take their time. As pred im gonna wipe the team as fast as I can every time because getting into extended fights with the ft is counter productive. Because once they are onto you, its hard to lose them. I made a whole post about slowing this game down, because you cant expect players to do it out of the kindness of their hearts.


I mean as far as I have seen the fireteam can call the chopper with ten minutes still on the clock most matches ive seen before I can even setup/ engage at the right time there allready gone, from what Ive seen unless your on there a tail your not getting any kills I barely can take my time and when I do I usually dont get and claims but I could be wrong.

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Its bullshit because of the massive imbalance. I play with randoms, usually 3 PS guys. There are so many times when I know that the predator would absolutely destroy them if I am not there. Imagine playing a game when you feel like fodder! Its extremely frustrating.
If you want them to stay longer and not rage out (its a normal human behavior) try to not curbstomp them like that.

I am aware that if you have good players that communicate and are on PC the situation changes but we are talking about randoms on PS here, the predator is massively OP in that case. Is it because the controls on PS and the skill of the majority of players? Sure but that does not change the outcome of those games or the frustration those people feel.

Fireteam will rush the predator as well honestly both sides need adjustments to gameplay and match wise to encourage the waiting game.

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Honestly aside from the obvious necessity to change the gameplay and balance significantly, I think there should be penalties for leaving. Timeouts. Etc. Because that kinda shit aint cool. Especially considering pred queue times.


You think you can put a system in to take account of the massive amounts of bugs? I don’t think you can. Besides that there are multiple other ways of ruining the game even if you don’t leave. Like the frustrated player starting to blow up barrels in the face of team mates.

Aside for that, you think by pissing people off with timeouts you’re going to keep them around? You piss people off anymore and they will quit. This game is dead in content, that is why the long que for preds. Take note, I play only FT and a guy leaving effects me more then the pred (he just loses some XP, stopped caring for XP for a long time now).

Truth is, the game is already dead unless they have a massive drop coming soon. We are all just going down with the ship.

A penalty system is necessary, for the ft. If not. Then the bodies need to remain despite them leaving.

Bugs need to be ironed out no matter what they do.

And toxic teamates are unavoidable, but a report/recording of games system should be implemented to deal with that.


Statistic wise the game has begun getting a increased player base, bad match making and servers cause the long queue times, cause it seems the game cant handle in the large influx of people wanting to play predator.

Any of us who has played as Pred long enough can usual tell after the first FT encounter of a match whether they are going to be a challenge, or just clueless no-mic randoms.

If they are a good co-ordinated squad, you’re not going to be able to wipe them out quickly.

If they are randoms, you have a choice: Do you rush in and wipe them out for 4 claims (if they don’t quit), or do you stalk them, pick them off, let them reinforce, and get 6 or 7 claims. They’ll also be less likely to quit at the end as their XP will be higher for surviving longer.


Some of us don’t care about XP nor ingame money at this point. That’s most of us who have bothered to stick around.

We just want to have fun. You want to rush through a match and wipe a team at every opportunity? Guess what? People will quit and move onto another match. It’s that fucking simple. You want penalize players for that? Ok. What is that going to accomplish besides add another nail to this game’s coffin?!

Blame the devs for the lack of game modes and content in general. Or incentives to keep playing the game at this point. It’s been months and they can’t even add one new map to the game. All of this shit’s become tiresome and pathetic.

Anyway. Rush through a match = Get sour grapes. Tough shit!


Gotta mark your prey makes a world of a difference.