Toxicity is starting to run rampant

Exactly, not only will they lose the XP but also the veritasium they got. So the “fix” is not to curbstomp them.
Punishing players with timeouts after they had 1 minute game is NOT a good way of keeping those players in the game, how long until they quit? That is why I don’t advocate for punishing people. They should FIX the issue, when the FT leaves the pred has X amount of time to claim and still get the XP.

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What does que times have to do with people quitting and denying you claims?? You seem to be in the wrong thread haha

Trust me, i dont want to wipe a team as fast as I do, but unless they are utter idiots, stealth isnt an option. And when they are idiots, better to just get it over with because they will be so clueless that you dont get any roleplay potential out of it anyways.

They weren’t a bad team, I just made 2 solid plays back to back. And downed them all. Losing quickly is not an excuse for toxicity. I’m kinda baffled how many people don’t understand this. When I’m a FT member I don’t just not kill the predator as soon as possible to extend the match I’m not sure why it’s expected of me to take it easy on a team who’s definitely not going to take it easy on me

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Well they certainly weren’t a good team if you could eliminate them in 60 seconds.

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Again. Take it easy on them, is not the answer. I slap predators daily. It’s not hard to do. I don’t take it easy on predators, and when I’m the predator, I don’t take it easy on the FT. If you don’t like getting wrecked get better at the game. Yes now and then I’ll troll around with them but that’s usually if they spawn in down a member or something


If you claimed them in 60 seconds they are bad players.

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Half the time preds wipe the team by mistake Im usually prepared to get chip damage and bolt, but when its an uncoordinated team and I down them its too late, the meta has instilled to be preapre for a highly coordinated fireteam and when you go up againest one that is not it throws your through a loop, I could be wrong on this mindset going into a game though.

I mean, with this game its a little beyond the get better at the game mentality. truth is the game is far from even remotely balanced, and so while skill plays a large factor, so does just abusing the absurd meta

I’m not mad the match was short dingus I’m saying people should not be shorted XP when players leave. This post is not about short matches it’s about losing xp to rage quitters. This happens to me even when the match is 10 min it just so happens to be this time I wiped them quickly. Lordy dude go start a topic about quick matches that’s not the point here

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The simple solution is to allow the pred to get the XP if when the player was downed, he was in the game. So, after that, it becomes irrelevant if they quit or not.


Well. Again. For the cheap crowds.

Don’t rush through a match and you won’t have to worry about losing your precious XP, sugarplum.

I say again the team was good. They were spotting me and trying to parry sticking together, all that good stuff. But I caught 2 of them in bear traps landed a nice shot with the bow to down another and a spear throw to down the other. I run trapper so the last two were screwed. It was a good team I just made a good play so I’m not sure why I’m in the wrong here. And because they were good, and I can’t resupply my bear traps and such, letting them go here likely would have been a bad move as the next time I fight them they will have full gear and I will not. I’m sorry but your logic here against my point is incoherent

They weren’t bad players lol. I just explained how it went down. I actually just made a play. Wow crazy I know sometimes people can do that

If you’re worried about XP why are you stomping them? You get far more XP for fuller length matches. Plus you were only ever going to get a max of 4 claims the way you played.

Anyway, seems ridiculous calling quitting the game ‘toxic’. Toxic is when you have to deal with someone yelling abuse over a mic for half the match.

It’s NOT About rushing through the match you thick tard. I say AGAIN this happens all the time whether the game is 10 seconds or 10 minutes. You are really stuck on this point and I’ve told you why it’s invalid multiple times but you just really wanna be right when you aren’t AND I’m saying this for the good of the player base we are trying to build. I’m max level so I don’t need any XP but this needs to be fixed for the people getting the game now or we will keep losing players

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Purposefully quitting just to stop someone from receiving a reward is definitionally toxic. Oof.

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It does not matter what you did, if you claimed them in 60 seconds they where bad players. Perhaps one of them could be good and was the first you got by some luck, the others 3 should have lasted far longer after that. In less the 60 seconds you are not going to have time to chip at the FT’s health or set up ambushes. This means you got them all from 100% to 0. Very bad players.

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What’s toxic is subjective. People rage quitting is not really toxic in my book. They left because they where really frustrated.

Man I havent played since elder pred dropped at this point. But the only thing I can think about this game is that it needs a full makeover from the ground up. The art and everything is good, but mechanics, map size, objectives, balance, all need to be completely fucking lampooned and rebuilt from the ground up to even have a chance at this game surviving.

And yes it might be doing well now, I think thats mainly because it has a FAT console playerbase. But they typically seem to follow the newest releases, so while it will survive for some time longer, Its almost guranteed to die. Because the truth is, beyond the predator name, this game ISNT fun. It doesnt encourage anyone to play in any fun way. It punishes it. And as such people ragequit, and because the game is so half assed, they couldnt even take the time to create a simple fucking system to account for ragequits. Whether that be penalties, Bodies remaining in match despite the player leaving, or simply the xp being auto rewarded to pred on a ragequit.

Its not fucking rocket science. Yet you look at how poorly they handled this game and you cant help but wonder if fucking caesar gassed up a bunch of apes, made them intelligent, and plopped them into an office without any semblance of how to make a game. So they cobbled this shit together.

Thats how desperately this game is broken.

And honestly its depressing. Its depressing because the game has so much potential. Its depressing because its the first predator game in almost a decade. Its depressing because the art design is fucking beautiful. Its depressing because I spent months creating a rework to put this game on the right path, for it to be damn near ignored (But the status effect ideas in my fucking posts replies made it into the game, despite how pooorly implemented those are too, as I knew they would be.) But it all goes to waste. It all gets flushed down the toilet, and unless they pick their pride up and fix the fucking game, We are all gonna watch this titanic sink someday.

Its just a question of whether you are willing to stay aboard till the day it sinks, hoping you will grant it any more time to be saved.

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