Oh this argument seems valid. “I can’t beat a good team in 60 seconds so NO ONE CAN” yeah ok bud. I’m sorry you are having a tough time. You are so desperate to make this an argument when the point at hand is literally just we need to make claims guaranteed for predators when ft rage quits
Toxicity is starting to run rampant
“Rage quitting” the term rage quitting. You used the term, and said it’s not toxic behavior. Let that be on the record lol
Yes, nobody can beat a good team in 60 seconds. NOBODY. That is a fact.
I don’t consider rage quitting toxic behavior. No idea where you are from, where I am getting punched in the face is usually considered that. What some dude does in a game… A game that he uses for entertainment… Could not care less…
Self-Checkmate?! That’s quite an accomplishment.
What this boils down to is the fact players can stop you from receiving your rewards. Which is like obviously busted, and the fact you are trying to argue against this tells me you had a bad day or are just in the mood to argue because this is like objectively an issue. As for how the game went, I added that in to express how it can be frustrating. Goes up against a good team that instantly spots you, starts dishing out damage, and somehow I’m able to get two trapped and down the others with combi throw and quick bow shots, and all against a team I was sure was about to be so tough. So there you are as a player thinking you just made a great play, annnnd it’s all for nothing. That’s all I’m trying to say. If you disagree further that’s your thoughts and I’m done talking about it with you cause clearly you just wanna argue with someone
BAD ASS ALERT BAD ASS ALERT “where I come from getting punched is toxic not video game behavior” que bad to the bone as I drink my glass of warm milk. Lololol bro we are talking about a video game here you turbo virgin ass. Trying to sound like a big ol tough guy on the PREDATOR HUNTING GROUNDS FORUM hahahahahahahahah
The time was to let you know what happened, but the subject of the thread was not the time, but what happened after, and I’ve mentioned this happens regardless of the time. You are THICK lolz
I think you need to go back and read what I posed, I even gave solutions to the XP loss the pred has to go trough. Never did I say its ok to deny the pred his XP by leaving.
Aside for that I’ve made 2 points:
1-A team that get’s killed in 60 seconds is not a good one.
2-Punishing people that leave is not a good solution.
It does not matter what you did, any good team is not going to go down in 60 seconds.
Bro I’m so sorry plz don’t beat me up and take my lunch money. Plz plz plz plz
Ironically this thread is becoming toxic/ merry go round.
I am not trying to act as a bad ass, just that where I leave we tend to have a higher tolerance to what is considered “toxic behavior”. You coming here and saying that people leaving is toxic behavior is absurd to me.
Dude the guy literally brought up fist fighting on a game forum I don’t even know what you are supposed to do with people like this lol
I think you need to read again what I said. I did not say I am going to beat anybody up.
Yes for a video game you goon ass. Obviously in the scope of things it’s not a big deal. Like no shit. Obviously this is not on the scale of a physical altercation between two people in real life. But this is the forum for a game, so we discuss issues within the game dipshit
So you admit is not a big deal… Ok then… Then you end the post by insulting me when I have never been rude to you. Talk about being toxic…
I agree punishing them is not a good answer, I said just give the predator the Xp for those who quit. Also, you’re point of the team can’t be good, is literally just subjective so we can just drop that. I’ve been playing a long time, I thought they were good players, you say they can’t be. Ok dude, cool. And move on cauuuuuse why does that matter
You have been a dick literally the whole time. And tried to talk about where you came from like you’re hard on the PREDATOR HUNTING GROUNDS FORUM. Yuuuucky cringe
More name calling. Ok there bud. Keep this in mind as you attack other people for toxic behavior.
Whatever, man. You rushed through a match and got a rightful response to it. Now you’re all salty about it and taking it out on forum users. It’s about XP now? Mhmm. Sure it is.
@Pekmez_Pita @Xan84 @DisturbedLlama
watching this back and forth is hurting my brain so im gonna be quick
Game pretty much forces you to wipe, or be wiped. It doesnt encourage you to play slow except with some extra xp, which when you hit cap means fuck all. Expecting players to play slower, makes no sense, as people play games to win.
If the game was longer, preds stealth was better, pred was squishier, and everything else balanced around that, I gurantee you we would have slower and funner games. But we dont. We have pred vs 4 arnies. Its gonna be a deathmatch, not a hunt. No matter what.
Just because I wiped a team as pred in the first few minutes, doesnt mean they are bad players per say. Just means they had shoddy-nonexistant teamwork. In fact it is usally teams composed of good players with bad teamwork that get wiped fastest.
Punishing people, for punishing the other player, as it is right now, should exist. Because as it stands, every time pred wipes a team and they ragequit, They are robbing pred of earned xp.
Beyond that they are robbing pred of time, as they leave and get into a new match within 2 min. However pred still has to wait 5-10 min per match.
Of course this could be avoidable overall if this was implemented
However, once a system like that is active, Arguably you should still have a penalty system because while that will solve pred getting fucked by ragequitters, It will still punish surviving FT members.
Now that we have gotten that all out of the way, lets end this back and forth. Its getting nowhere. just going in circles, and becoming far beyond immature.
basically, Stop acting like children.