A new Dlc predator could be the Toxin predator. Also comes with new gear called gas bomb, also should be unlockable at level 200 or something. Details for gear.
the predator stats could be.
Health- 1400
Movement speed- 9.9
Stamina- 1000
Stamina regen- 135 per second
Energy- 1200
Energy regen- 90.2 per second
Overload cool down- 10.5 seconds
Specilization- fervent, ghost, and tactition.
Gear points- 10
Perk points- 12
New passive ability, unique to this class only, called spores and what spores does is that when the predator gets to 1000, 600, and 200 hp the predator release poisonous spores from it’s body instantaneously and lasts for a minute and covers the same radius as a thermal decoy that fireteam have and it does 10 damage per second and fireteam can tell if their in the spores if the air is greenish brown (and when they take damage from an unknown source). And the gas mask takes the damage down to 5 per second.