Trash talking

I jump around the ps4 players sining my favourite jam… buy a pc why the fuck do you own a 500 dillar brick…not gonna lie the new specs look amazing at a 500 dollar price tag… not worth

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I let the scoreboard do the talking. I don’t dish it out. There is no honor in it. Though it is amusing to hear salt flowing from defeated and humiliated prey from time to time. I try to record it when I can.

If you really wanna trash talk, step your game up.

Call them poor.

Tell them their dogs arent purebreds.

Tell them their bread is bleached white.

Tell them their cooking is bland, they don’t used spices. They probably live off hot pockets.


It’s not their mics in party ps4 mics are fine it’s game chat makes talking distorted a little

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I love it when I’m predator and people trash talk there my enemies their not supposed to love me their supposed to hate me so when they talk trash it means I did my job right

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Everyone is a pussy in 2020.

What do you expect lol?

Trash talk all you want. Who cares? It’s just a game.

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Cracked me up but yea, you’re an idiot

But I do love when FT bitch after losing, it just makes victory taste better

Trash talkers are usually just pathetic, socially maladjusted morons. You can dress it up however you want - say it’s “part of the game”, or “stop gettin’ triggered snowflake!”, but it doesn’t mask the fact that if you get enjoyment from yelling abuse down a microphone you’re just a shit person. Blame the parents I guess.


Lol. Okay boomer

Mhm Id rather have money to spend on my wife instead of constantly having to shell out money on upgrades every 6 weeks

I’m Gen X, but yeah, cool cliché response.

Eww even worse.

There are always idiots like op who are proud of their behaviour. Best to ignore them and leave them be the shit person they are :)


Shit person? Trash talking is a way of gaming. Its not like I ripped into them or anything

No it’s not. You’re a dick if you think that.

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Lol. Toxicity is game bro. If they cant handle being called trash after getting wiped then maybe they should not be playing

Maybe they were too sensitive, but it doesn’t make you any less of a dick for starting it.
If you think being an asshole is “the way of gaming”, you’re what’s wrong with it.


Lol. There is nothing wrong with me. I just call out trash when it happens not my fault

I’ve defeated good and bad FTs many times. I’ve never once felt the need to insult them over the microphone like some sneery, juvenile shut-in. I think most players are the same - they understand the difference between competitive but respectful gamesmanship, and just being an asshole edgelord.

So yeah, there likely is something wrong with you, and it is your fault… ‘lol’ as the kids say.

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Nah nothing wrong with me. Bold of yall to assume that. Its easy to judge ppl over a computer. Lol cant handle the insults gtfo. Idk what to tell you