Trash talking

So everyone here has never played. Call of duty, Rainbow, Halo 1-3, Gears of War 1 and 2. Any madden or 2k games? Toxicity is a way of gaming life. All who are salty over trash talking must just be that Trash. Im sorry

Halo 3 days were the shit lmao

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Hell yeah. Thats then trash talking was at its finest

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Dude…that’s colder than the other side of the pillow. Keep them gloves up and keep it clean


Well said man. Life can be shit enough as it is, which is why most gamers play games, to escape from all the bullshit and maybe try to feel part of some community.
These people who feel the need to rip into others just to make themselves feel better are part of the problem and also give most gamers a bad rep, especially the edgelords who think it’s cool to be a complete dick.
Gaming toxicity isn’t and shouldn’t be ‘standard’ acceptable behaviour, and these people need to take a long hard look at themselves.

It is the standard tho. Idk what multiplayer games u have played but toxicity is always there and it makes the game fun. Only ppl who are sensitive get triggered by a little trash talk. Its in all forms of competitions so idk why in gaming is any different lol

Yeah I get that, but even in parties the quality is like a 7 out of 10 compared to the quality on Xbox.

Xbox’s chat audio quality is far superior in every way. My friends that play with me on both systems say I even sound different despite using the same set of Astro A40s on both consoles.

To be honest, there are different levels of trash talking. If someone calls me trash after I beat them, I don’t care. If someone accuses me of cheating or hacking after I beat them, I don’t care.

The only time I would actually feel bothered is if they’re really being toxic by hurling some extreme insults at me. This happened to me yesterday actually lol. I was playing Predator and wiped out this team within minutes. At the end of the match, this guy started cussing at me in spanish. I didn’t understand anything he was saying but based on the English I heard in between, he was calling me a mofo and a dirty black nigg*r. He also wished me and my family got covid-19 looooool.

In your situation though, you did start it so don’t be surprised when they talk shit back. I don’t agree with them reporting you though, I feel like that’s a bit much.

I grew up playing videogames online from Halo to WoW you name it, trash talking is what it is just talking no need to get tilted. If you’re bad get better and shove it in their face and if you can’t shrug it off you have better things in life to focus on.

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There’s a report function for a reason.

“It’s just part of online gaming though?”… things change, if it was ever true to begin with it won’t be in the future.

“But I beat them and they’re trash.”… you won a match in a video game, you didn’t do anything important. The value of the thing you did is actually a negative number, you could be learning a new language or skill. Instead your ruining others entertainment as your entertainment.
Keep feeding that ego with trash talk and one day it will turn around and bite you.

Lastly, telling people if they cannot handle the trash talk not to play. Did we forget about that report button already. Cause it’s there for a reason, to remove the players from the pool who keep pissing in it.


Just calling them trash after i wipe them is nothing but mud slinging. I dont try to ruin a persona life with trash talking.

Lol, I don’t babysit I just reinforce, I sometimes bet on how long till they go down, but the other day I ran into bear traps on the reinforcements radio that were cleverly hidden needless to say reinforcements didnt happen, they really need to make the bear traps less noticeable they add a degree of excitement, like oh shit !!

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Thats very true

I get that you see a difference in the two behaviours. I’m personally fine with mudslinging during a game with friends, but never felt the need to carry competitive behaviour engaged in while in ‘the heat of the moment’ to the lobby. It strikes me as an attempt to feed an ego that has grown used to it.

Maybe spend a bit thinking about where your lines are drawn, you obviously think overtly attacking someone to destroy their life is wrong. Using blanket statements to defend your position lead you to do the opposite, they force you into defending behaviour you yourself find abhorrent. They also don’t let you engage in critical thinking from others perspectives.

I don’t think you’re a bad guy for enjoying trash talk, but I do think you should listen to why others don’t.