Ultimate Yautja Guide (videos + links)

Some yautja are killers

They either have no armor or more armor than a typical hunter

Traditional Yautja dont completely cover themselves in armor to give their prey a chance

Also there’s these guys The clan was known for their advanced technology, far superior to the weaponry of the other clans. Their armor and weapons all followed the same design, black with red lights decorating them. However, Scarface’s armor was a notable exception, following his own design. Other members of the Dark Blade clan were the rogue Bad Blood warriors Long Spear, Swift Knife, and Stone Heart, who were defeated and brainwashed by Borgia Industries. However, they were all given honorable deaths by their clan brother, Scarface.

The Dark Blade Clan seems to be a highly powerful clan among the Yautja, as they have personal variants of weapons, including their own versions of the Maul, Glaive, Combistick, Wristblades, Smart Disc, Plasmacaster, armor, and bio-helmet. The Dark Blade Clan’s personal variants of these weapons are top of the line, such as extremely large Wristblades, a Smart Disc whose targeting matrix can store up to 4 targets, and a Glaive with monstrous plasma-forged blades for unparalleled cutting power. The Dark Blade Clan is also full of very capable warriors; a single Yautja was able to survive 100 years on a dangerous planet with just a Glaive and his Wristblades to protect himself, and then reverse the fate of the stolen Yautja technology on earth and survive impossible odds- and he wasn’t even the head of the clan.

The Dark Blade Clan is possibly an Eliteclan full of very powerful hunters, who they equip with their own, extremely powerful variants of the usual Yautja weaponry. They also have their own armor and helmet type, though these are shown to be cosmetic and no more effective than the average armor.

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You see, this is why people like you like predators. You drink to much… Predators are not macho just stupid. They have advanced tech, plasma weapons, disk, stealth, advanced computer on the wrist and a lot more weapons and tech. They also have this device that ensure his tech does not end up with the enemy, now if you would be a real predator fan or you would stop drinking you would know about the self destruct bomb that destroys all his toys.

But they go with plasma weapons and stealth tech against medieval warriors with bows, arrows and swords… Somehow I don’t buy it. It would seem they draw the line at what the plot needs it to make them look cool (to me they just look stupid).

Look at out society. 90% of the people don’t understand tech that the use. They just know the use for it and how to use it.


Bows and arrows kill just the same as plasma

It’s not like they can got to Walmart and buy guns

They use what they have

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Dude, I am not going to read their entire lore and what not. I’ve seen the movies and played most of the games. The armor they use, the tech the use and the mentality/culture does not fluctuate much.

Well, this escalated quickly in an unexpected direction… I tried forum, I really tried to make a positive thread, that we could all enjoy. But realists and people who overthink stuff come along with their reality checks and party poop!
giphy (7.0)


Wait what? So what you’re saying is that 100 indians (America) against 100 US soldiers with today gear would be just the same, no difference. It would be a bloodbath just like a predator with stealth, plasma weapons and the rest of his advanced tech would do against a primitive with bows and arrows.

Little big horn much?

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Well if you like turning your brain off to enjoy something by all means, it does not work so well with me.

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gathers up all his Predator figurines, comics and cupcakes

I’m going home, and I’m taking my ball too!


If you want to make an argument then make it, one liners don’t have much.

If I am not enjoying the yautja as a race it does not mean you can’t. To me they make no sense and thus I can’t enjoy them.

You’ve studied the evolution of one intelligent race and that’s enough for you to assume that other intelligent beings evolved in the same way? Typical human 😁

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Certain parameters must be close enough to not destroy yourself as a race. We are long pass the stage the yautja leave in and we’re still killing ourselves and we’re taking the planet with us.

Also, things that made sense to primitive people in medieval times, should make sense to yautja.

Indians with bows, arrows and bladed weapons did in fact massacre soldiers with guns granted they weren’t modern

Better tactics beat better weapons


Tbh yatuja race is wide spread, they got more than one actual behavior… some of them hunt, some of them perform rituals and stuff, some are i guess avg citizens etc…

What is funny is… they are basically us except they follow more of Maya Civilization

Or quite frankly mayan’s follow yatuja civilization as its written in scripts from movies… like in avp 1 u get to know more about them… why they hunt etc…

Basically they are honestly intelligent and humble civilization that developed high tech…

Maybe your not giving humanity much credit, from what I’m hearing you wonder why advance aliens who barely use their most advanced weaponry on humans, it’s because you don’t think like Yautja, each movie shows how every time Predators have landed on earth and thought the same thing till one of their own was killed, then it becomes interesting

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