Ultimate Yautja Guide (videos + links)

They where close enough in gap for them to overcome the tech difference. We’re talking about thousands of years between humanity and yautja. Its like an indian with a bow would try to take out a aircraft carrier. The bow would not even go trough most modern armor, it has serious issues doing shit to mail and its completely useless against plate armor (they just bounce off). My previous argument I said modern US trops.

They are not us, they are us if we never passed medieval times. Comparing them with the Mayan civilization does not do them any favors lol. Also they don’t hunt, they go out and massacre people for fun. If you do that, even against ANIMALS and not sentient beings you would be locked up. Imagine an individual that would massacre dogs, skin them and put them on display like predators do, would you want that individual free in your town/city/whatever? I bet the answer is no, lock that lunatic up.

I said they we’re somewhat killing ourselves and taking the planet with us in a previous post. Thing is, they are far, far, far worse then us.
Also, they do use their most advanced tech on us, its just that said advanced tech makes no damn sense.
Take the shoulder cannon. Its blood damn stupid. To shoot it you need to expose your torso and head, compare it to a gun ffs… A gun is far more efficient at what it does. Also why use the laser? To let people know you’re there and you’re going to shoot them? Its function its bloody stupid.
Net? Why use nets? We have today certain poisons that just drops you. Why use a net?
Disk? Another weapon that makes little sense. Use a gun with guided bullets. Far more efficient.
The weapon that do make sense its what’s modeled after real life weapons. In warfare only things that are practical are used.

I can continue but its just that their armor, tech, weapons and culture make no damn sense.

If you’re taking about armor, perhaps they find no use for it as they are long range stealth class of a fighter. Whenever it’s a 1v1 than it’s just a fair duel (in movies human opponents don’t have armor either). Whatever they wear is more decorative than functional.

I don’t know enough about the yautja race from the movies alone to say how civilized they are in terms of having high tech and not destroying themselves. But even if automatic weapons are given to primitive people they would not just kill each other. They would still observe the consequence of the weapon and ruling order would firm around it.

You make a good point

But despite these advancements

Predator was killed by a log

The Yautja are more than capable of blowing the whole planet up

But they dont

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I am talking about everything, from armor to weapons to culture. Long range stealth class still uses armor. Being so far ahead of us they would have extremely light and extremely strong materials to make said armor. Swat teams do have armor. The soldiers that you see with no armor you can also trough into the nonsense bin (even Dutch). You don’t do those things in a warzone scenario. You use helmets, body armor, everything you can. Even in medieval times people where doing this. Also saying that they prey does not have it so he does not have it makes little sense. Prey does not have plasma weapons or cloak, yet preds use it.

I can understand not blowing the planet up. The rest I am having issues with. The tech they have, the armor, the weapons and culture. They make little sense to me.

Okay… How do I write people’s names in blue like that?

Copy the name from chat.
And it looks like this:
Before posting.

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I do agree with you mostly because I have only one example to take from, humans, and it makes sense that way. Still armour is not really necessary. Look at the human hunts of wild gain (boar’s, lions). We don’t wear any armour yet there’s still a possibility of damage from boar’s tusks it lions bite. That’s because our game plan is much like yautjas in stealth and element of surprise.

It’s not the size of the dog in the fight

But the size of the fight in the dog

Also they’re Aliens so I don’t expect we would understand them lol

At least not for some time

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And the sun shines on a dog’s ass some days😏

(White Men Can’t Jump, incase you younglings don’t recognize the quote)

I prefer and every dog has its day lol


I do hope we can get some movies where the Predator comes out on top

I get what you’re saying on how they lose everytime

But you know… Plot.

Same difference 😉

We don’t use body armor when fighting animals since they don’t really pose a threat against modern age weapons. Back in the day hunting a bear would be extremely dangerous and you would need a huge number of people with spears, horses and the likes.

Yautja, as I said before also need to regulate body temperature, yet they only go when its really hot? Why? For them making a suit to regulate body temp is damn easy. As for the element of surprise… Many swat teams and soldiers count on the element of surprise when tacking certain mission and yet they still use armor.
Then we can move with weapons, something I’ve already done above. Shoulder Cannon makes piss little sense and a few other weapons. The only weapons that really make sense are those designed after real life counterparts.

Ok. I give. This discussion was a lot more interesting than buff/nerf/balance 😃

There are certain elements that would cross over even if “aliens”. Take the Bat’leth Klingons use, you can argue the same way about that but still, how well a humanoid species can use it in a fight is what would guide its design. That weapon would never exist in the Klingon arsenal because its shit, its not functional. Yet it does because it looks cool and its different (because movies).

Unfortunately I’m not a Trekkie and can’t comment on klingons other than they bear a striking resemblance to Yautja. Mainly in the forehead region 🤣

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This is the weapon:
And here is someone explaining why it makes no sense:

The design of different things would be based on what it works and what does not even if “ALIEN”.

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I’m watching the video but forgive me for not seeing the point you’re trying to make

I’m dumb it’s not you’re fault

Its about another alien weapon and why would those weapon, even alien should fallow certain design principles. In essence, its irrelevant if its alien or not, a weapon is based around its functionality.

See there you go again not listening, your still not thinking like a Yautja, if they didn’t make sense they wouldn’t waste their time running around the universe hunting prey is that it? No because you don’t know anything about them, in fact it’s all physiological! Example the Alpha Predator lore states the Preds weren’t Preds until they were conquered by a alien race with advanced technology and used it to genetically alter Preds to what they are now and put them in gladiatorial games, but they rose up against their aggressors and enslaved them, forcing them to build their technology for the Preds, So pride makes them keep their ways traditionally because it has help them become one of the most deadliest species in the universe, now they collect skulls (DNA) so they can keep alternating theirs till they become this thing!

So why would a predator use a blade when it can just use the plasma caster is you’re question?

Again sorry lol