Update Tested

I paid it 0,99 US$ lol

Fire was a top player on Hardcore Team Death Match on COD. Ranked 4 world wide at the time. That’s what he said in the past. You think he’s lying?

Why would anyone lie on the internet

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Moralez likes to hide behind the excuse of his team being a group of 40+ something year olds, apparently they need their busted ass FT shit to win because of their age. Like I give a shit about that, I seen a 80 something Grandma play Skyrim, I seen kids get really good at fighting games. Age is no excuse for bad sportmanship or bad play.


Those guys really are geriatrics.

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Dude, you’ve never seen me play at my best.
You cant fucking talk on something you know nothing about.

I started losing in this game back in year one cause all of the bugs and the fact that ilfonic clearly doesn’t give a shit.

I dont like unbalanced games.
Its extremely hard to put my heart into it if it’s just not balanced and fun.

But you think you’re hot shit get your bitch ass on destiny and let’s see how you do.
Best place I can offer you since we have no way to play mw3.

I also remember offering you a match but your bitch ass didnt want to so, idk what to tell ya.

I’m so bad but you dipped a match back when I still played.

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Bruh what the fuck. This is literally just an update thread for Bionic. This isn’t some shit-talking thread. Idc who started it, why fuel it further?


I mean you seem to forget when we played together on here I always did better than you.
So what you got to say is irrelevant.

Went back and checked the stream. It was the support bot glitch. Which I suppose means that the Support damage protection is 15%. 🤷‍♂️

Some men aren’t looking for anything logical, like updated stats. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the forum burn.


Lmao I never played with you 🤡

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Logically, why would I lie about 1 game mode, in one game?

You ever see me claim it for other games?

Not only that, mw3 of all games.
If I was really trying to lie dont you think i would have said fortnite, or Apex, or any of the major world tournament games?

No but god forbid I did really well in one game, one of its modes.

Cant have that, obviously gotta be lying.

Like fuck Outa here.
Besides your bitch ass is scared to play fighting games that actually require skill so uh… cant say much buddy.

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Cpt.clutch right?
Your psn?

You drink so much you forget when we played with drakos?

Lol. I don’t make excuses. I don’t need it. And you know why i don’t need it? Because i don’t give a single fųcķ of what you and other guys think. Your opinion about what i say or think has the same value to me than a huge dog turd.
I know that you guys like to attack people who doesn’t feed your ego, but flash news, you and others won’t get none from me. So, keep on saying šhiť like that cause i couldn’t care less. There are a few people on PSN and/or here on the forums that really knows me a little bit and know the way i think and feel about this game, and those are the ones who have my respect and the ones i listen to. All the rest can go fücķ themselves with a barbed wire baseball bat and call it a home run.

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I never played with you Mint. And you aren’t better than me.
Who the fuck you fooling?
Never heard of a Drakos

Answer the question.
Do you remember when we played with drakos?
Ven was there and kalypsio.

Sounds like

ingaingaongabungabooga OOO OOO AA AA

Is that what you’re getting from this thread as well?


Scared ? Its videogames. I just don’t care. Have better things to do, not gonna buy a fighting game to prove something to someone I don’t care. I doubt you were ever good in a game that “takes no skill” like this one. Anyone that gets good winrate vs potatos considers themselves top tier on this game. People can’t do better than me in a game like this and think they will in other games. Sure.

People lie on the internet all the time to get validation from strangers online they will never met, only way they might be able to ever impress other people in life. There is no reason anyone should be believe you were ever a top player in any game.


Damn Sam. I mean Fire is a dirty rotten furry degenerate, so I agree with the thrashing, but ya didn’t have ta kill em!

But fr, Sam’s right, Fire. Let’s just drop it, ok guys?


I could care less about validation from people like you guys buddy.

If I was really chasing clout I woulda sold myself better. Or painted a better picture.

You dont know me, but one thing I am is completely honest. And you’re the one obsessed with skill. Figured youd wanna prove yourself in a real game.

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