The amount of retardation in this thread is hilarious, and saddening too. Mostly people regurgitating CNN headlines, much cherry picking and insinuating people’s intent.
- Trump is not a fascist.
- Trump is not a racist.
Neither are his supporters and voters. The amount of racism from Biden supporters though is shocking, usually coming from jumped up white snowflakes attacking black people who won’t buy into the bullshit that BLM keep trying to peddle, black people being attacked for supporting Trump. The violence and hatred is coming from one side, the Left.
Trump did more in 4yrs than Obama and Bush did in their collective terms, numbers don’t lie.
Speaking of numbers, when all the illegitimate and illegal votes are tallied and removed, Trump wins.
And I can’t wait to see the meltdown in January when he is given his 2nd term.
And for all those defending Communism, kys. Communism has killed more people in history than fascism ever did.
For 4 yrs Democrats and Libtards have screamed about Trump getting elected President and how it was fraudulent. They investigated him for 4yrs wasting millions of dollars and resources only to discover nothing.
Suddenly those same retards don’t want to investigate this election, say there could never be enough fraud to determine the outcome. But this is the hypocrisy and back peddling we have come to expect from those low IQ degenerates.
Truth always prevails. See you cunts in January🖕🏼