Wait Times?

6 minute estimated. After 12 minutes I canceled and restarted. Waited another 9 minutes. Finally connecting. Nope, went right back to match making on its own. What the fuck is going on?


Started looking for lobby at 2pm. Didn’t get into one until 2:42 😐


The game is dying.


Stop saying the game is dying. This is not the case because I get plenty of matches when I hunt as the Predator.

Since many people play the game you should consider timezones, because maybe you get queued to somebody with 6 hours difference in timezones. Also take into consideration that many that play the game are over 20 and maybe have work to do.

I really don’t like it when people keep saying a game is dying because they encountered one bad day of matchmaking. Sometimes I queue into an empty lobby and my thought is “Well, that was unlucky maybe the have left just as I got into the lobby. Better luck next queue” and not “Oh, the game must be dead.”


I’ve run into “Network error: Session Heartbeat” disconnections since this recent hotfix.

Don’t be surprised if others are experiencing this too. Random disconnections. I just got disconnected again trying to complete the Mud Up daily in a private, solo match. The last time i ran into this issue was during the first couple of months of this game’s release.

Time for another server maintenance!

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I was being sarcastic. I know the matchmaking in this game is shit.


Ever since the update wait times have increased tremendously for both FT and pred. It takes anywhere from 2:30min to 5:00 min for FT when it used to take less than 30 sec and it used to be within 5:00min to find a pred match, now it takes 12:00+min

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Wait times to lose as pc Pred is around an average of 10 min crossplay off. With crossplay on maybe 5 min or less against playstations.

I used to have over 100 people active on PHG as friends.

Now it never goes over 15.

If the game isn’t dead, it certainly isn’t getting bigger and will just follow the exact same fate as F13, just might have their servers unplugged sooner.

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But then again your not friends with all the others playing the game. I get so many Hunt’s, so I wouldn’t say it’s dead and I’m a person who stays positive till the very end.

I used to have this optimism.

Taking more of a realistic approach now a days.

I get 1 min FT and 7 min with Predator.

Just reading these comments makes me not want to bother jumping back in. Its been a few weeks since I played last…
Reading how the que times seem to be back to taking forever, I have no interest in jumping back in.

Not for nothing but look how long it took them to make the latest "Hot"fix… psh that fix has freezer burn on it

James Cameron can confirm that wait times are indeed far longer since the update. Even FT is taking about a minute instead of the usual 30 seconds. Doesn’t sound much but it’s double.

Should of had more maps, better modes, better balance, transparency on release etc. you think this cyberpunk release of a game will make it to it’s one year anniversary. Can’t even fix bugs without creating new ones. Good luck with the wishful thinking.

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Pred waiting Times are terrible again… 7-15 min and get put in empty lobbys… WTF!!

They still cant optimized that matchmaking… why? where is the problem? I still love that game but this is the worst point of all for me… 7-15 min are to long but after that empty lobbys is ridiculous

It has to be the update. I been in rooms as FT waiting on the predator to connect to the lobby.

It’s a Travesty!

Hopefully February’s drop provides more room for people to play and drops all wait times across the board.

The game needs to be doctored to suit the full of players coming over.

Hopefully, wait times are ass atm, and playing ft with random sucks majority of the time.